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New type of ammo for Plasma guns


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I've always found it stupid that plasma and laser weapons use the same ammo. Plasma weapons are superior in every way and laser weapons become useless once you've first fought the enclave (which can be very early). Also, with laser and plasma weapons sharing an ammo type, it narrows the already skinny path of energy weapon mastery.


What I am requesting is if someone could make a new type of bullet for the plasma weapons. This will do quite a few things like:

a) Create more variety in the energy weapons line

b) Make energy weapons more viable by having more weapon types to choose from

c) Make energy weapons more viable by having more ammo for each weapon type


Now here come the nit-picky details/ideas that you can ignore if you like :P

If the guns can be made so that plasma and laser weapons are evened out more, that would be great (i.e plasma weapons do more damage to both overall health and limb health, but laser weapons have a somewhat higher critical hit chance/critical hit damage and are a little more accurate. That's just one example, I'm sure you can think of tons of ways to vary the two weapon types). Also, if you can't think of a name for the new ammo type, maybe something like Plasma Bolts will do? I dunno, just whipping out ideas at this point.


Well thanks for reading, I hope you decide to help me out! :)

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I've already done something like this. I added a new laser weapon that I wanted to have very scarce ammo so I created a new ammo type called Fission Cells for it. Wouldn't be difficult to do the same with the plasma rifle and then tweak them a little like you said (I actually like the idea you suggested, plasma isn't really a precision weapon, it hits multiple areas at once due to splash damage, while lasers really are the epitome of precision weaponry that should have high critical chances). It's easy enough adding a new ammo type to levelled lists as well, so it will be available in vendors (when the player is high enough level) and as loot drops and chest loots.

Mmm... might take a look at this later today actually, once I'm done with some other stuff I need to do (bleh, real life etc.).

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