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Need Help with load order


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I am using the nexus mod manager, and am having the game crash upon startup each time I attempt to run it with the mods I am using.


List of mods:

Dimonized Type 3 Female Body

Enhanced Night Sky

Enhanced Weather Rain and Snow v2


Existence Radio

Fallout 3 Redesigned



FOIP Project Beauty and FWE

Fallout Street Lights


Fallout Wanderer's Edition

Martigen's Mutant Mod


Any help or alternative options would be greatly appreciated

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Could you show us which ones you have activated? Specific .esp files, I mean. Automatic CTDs usually means missing master files. Actually, that might not be needed. It looks like you're missing Project Beauty so the FOIP Project Beauty and FWE patch is causing the crash. If downloading Project Beauty doesn't work, post up your whole load order.

EDIT: Derp. Forgot Project Beauty was renamed Fallout 3 Redesigned.

Edited by panzersharkcat
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The problem you are having is probably caused by attempting to install Fallout Wanderers Edition with NMM. I quote from step 2 of the installation instructions: "Ensure that FOMM and FOSE (Fallout Script Extender) are up-to-date and properly installed."

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It appears the problem is entirely with the fact that I'm trying to install Fallout Wanderer's edition with the nexus mod manager.


Thanks for the information, I'll do some research and figure out how to manually install FWE.

Edited by Pyronite
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I suggest you to deactivate all the mods installed and check if the game runs fine. If does, activate 3 or 5 mods and check again if game runs fine, and so on till you find which one cause the crash. Maybe you have more than one mod causing the crash, but it's just a matter of time till you discover wich ones are wrong.


When you find out, I recommend you to search them and read carefully the installation instructions, compatibility and load order suggestions.



Hope it helps!

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