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Alternate Thieves Guild Start Quest


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Basically I am sick of beating up innocent people in order to start the Thieves Guild quest-line. It just feels wrong for people who are meant to be sneaky as shadows and pick people's pockets. It would make much more sense to steal the money they owe the guild and leave a message warning them that the money was taken but that they owe the guild a favor or something, and not to mess up next time. It just feels wrong and not even the Dark Brotherhood or the Companions stoop so low.


True the Companions Brawl with people but they are a mercenary guild so it's in-character for them to do that stuff. But not for thieves! Personally I am fed up with the thieves guild starting quests and want an alternate one that is more accurate and thief-like. However, I cannot mod to save my life so all I can do is ask you wonderful people to make something like this come to life! I would be thrilled if this could be turned into a reality and it could be very simple where there is a sack of coins titled "Thieves Guild Debt" or something that you have to steal but there are extra guards inside and outside the shops making it tough. In hopes of this mod I shall put off joining the guild for as long as possible. So fingers crossed and many thanks in advance!! :)

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this is already present actually each of the three can be dealt with without fighting.

True but I wanted a way that is more thief-like as opposed to forcing them to give you the money. It feels wrong to blackmail them although I guess thieves would do that. Still I want a way that is more sneaky and rogue-like as opposed to right out saying "Give me the money or else!" if you get my meaning! :)

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That makes sene. personally I always figured it was a case of showing the guilds level of desperatin and how low they had to sink just to get by


What you said makes sense actually and I think I will go with that reasoning for now! :) Don't know why I never thought of it before, lol. A mod like this would still be cool but your theory is also equally awesome and realistic.

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