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Preset character in SSE

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Greetings, fellow modders


I have been contemplating making a story mod, but there is one issue: I want it to be a story about particular character (like Witcher is a story about Geralt of Rivia, not some random character, that cometh from character creation),


As we know, there is "NPC" entry called "prisoner" in Skyrim, that would become our PC and that character creation is applied to.


My question is, would it be possible to make it so, that either through a certain choice in certain dialogue (for example if I was to make it as a Live Another Life addon or something else like that) or using a certain item, we would force a certain appearance (from a racemenu preset), name and other starting attributes on our PC?


If 'tis doable, then I'd appreciate any information on how to do this, because my scripting skills are a bit lacking (I can modify and adjust existing scripts, but writing them from scratch is still beyond my abilities)

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