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ive ben looking everywhere and no war mods and when i use console it crashes or they attack me



I think if some awsome moder can make a group of enclave, anchorage, and brother hood armys attack eachother on a huge new island and they all have a base with a quest to help either win and then theres a base in the middle and can become your home if you want to guard a awsome home...

also they would all have to be frienzied, and theres a choice to betray the army your on to go by yourself with some j3x mod or join another army...




Please, Please, Please consider this mod you dont no how long ive ben waiting...

email me at

[email protected]

when you are done or thinking of doing this mod



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no i ment like 10 men and a base and every time theres about 2 left on a army 10 more will spawn and start going to the middle where the player home is and they will fight...




also there could be new weapons so it isnt the same as a normal fight of 2 borther hood and 2 enclave

and mabye new armor from another mod

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umm did you not read that it lags


Read it, your giving sane people headaches



and i dont want to keep replaceing ten men per min also with a mod you can have like 2 officers 4 heavt men and 4 normal soldiers so it doesnt crash the game and when you use console it will take longer and you cant make a bases and misssions with console


also you could place a boat like high sea caravansery (sry for spelling) and another this is you could have like a god and a devil in a place above the ground and below using elevators to go there and they could heal you decide who gets more men who gets a behemoth a libert prime or a deathclaw for a army.

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If with the console it crashes or they attack you, you're doing it wrong.


9nth post and all you can do is scream gimmeeeeh! without understanding what are you asking.


A modder isnt going to come, read this thread, and suddenly feel urged to dedicate a week or two of his free time JUST to make a mod (and clean the bugs of it) for you. Requests are for, ya know, interesting stuff that many people may want, if several of those happen to be modders, a mod "may" appear.

You need to understand that modders mod for themselves, and share because we feel like it.


You have two options:

Organize your ideas and request something concrete, easily doable (or at least with visible "stages" that aren't horribly complex), and most importantly, interesting. Better if you clean up your first post in the process and put that info there in an organized and non bold+size++ way, without screaming please please please every 2 words.


Learn to use the geck, and do it yourself, you'll find people are far more willing to teach you to use the geck and solve your doubts than to work for 2 weeks for free for you. Once you have something tangible, request for other modders for help

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No i cant use console cause vista sucks


No im not screaming im giving an idea if you think saying "if you want to consider or already made a mod" is screeming your retarded


And yes they should feel urged if they think its a good idea and yah mabye they would spend 2 weeks of their free time on a mod they think is cool


I agree with you on the steps but im just throughing out ideas because this is a mod request for mod ideas i think i can put out wat i want


and modders arent just you because the have made plenty of these mods on this forum that are like min also this mod isnt that complex it just looks complex i mean a island with simple land and water around it and a bunch of houses or rooms for selling stuff and armys that only have to have a respawn thing (if its possible) for each army ...


err no i only said please 3 times ones at the end of the request unless your blind and see more...


and no ive tried the geck its a waste of space and crashes my fallout 3 and it makes my mods unreadable, also ive looked at almost all of the geck instructions and it doesnt help


so im just asking to do the mod not for someone to moan at me because i asked for a mod that little ms tg cant handle



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Bold letters, large size letters, and/or abuse of caps is what is mostly considered screaming. Large white bold letters on the op classify as that.

For console, there is a console rebinder and a console hat in the downloads section, that should allow you to open the console.


You're not supposed to open geck and fallout at the same time btw, most if not all computers can't handle it well. Even opening two geck windows can be a chore for the computer if you're land-editing. "Rendering your mods unreadable" shouldn't happen unless you save, just create a backup and all will be dandy.

There's several troubleshooting threads out there for vista for the geck and getting it to work. It just takes a little time, and a little dedication, if you, who wants the mod dont even have the dedication of trying to get the geck to work, what can you expect of the modders?.


You NEED to understand that the only things that can convince people to make your mod idea is your first post of the thread. You need to make it interesting, and even organize it in a way that modders may see it as doable. As it is it is disorganized, rude (due to the screaming), lacks any sign of punctuation (which makes it harder to read, hence people will just stop in the middle and close the page), it even lacks any attempt of plot hook or narration to make people visualize it better, and feel more compelled to do it.

As it is, it hardly stands any chance of convincing anyone to make it real.

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This started off badly, and has denigrated into an argument.


This is now closed.


Your OP is shouting and screaming, use of larger than normal font is just that.


Also ponlor your signature is to large for the forums. Please change it or I will delete it.





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