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Manalorian Armor


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Is there a way to mod a suit of mandalorian power armor into Fallout 3 with a working jet pack? I know it seems kind of stupid and doesn't quite fit in with the gameplay, but I think it would be awesome, either that or mod a jet pack onto the armor for the enclave or brotherhood of steel power armor since they already kind of look like the rocketeer.
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There was a wip mod about a working jetpack, it still was a little rough last time i saw it.

Once its done, attaching it to any armor would be child's play i hope.


So, basically you want to:


1) Request for a jetpack-less mandalorian armor in the mod request forums, try to offer images of it and stuff to show it from different angles, enough for a modeler to get a good view of it. Try to find cool images, or add an excuse to have it in the game, or even a bit of flavor text, something, anything that would make more people want to have it. Hopefully, one of them will be a 3d modeler.


2) Find, keep track, and most importantly support in any way you can the jetpack mod.

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