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Shadow Knife


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I'd like to request a knife, but this one will kill anyone instantly if they are stabbed in the back, kinda like the knife from the spy on TF2.


But, can the knife also be backwards? Like the blade goes down not up?


Combat knife is prefered, but you can also use switchblade; no Kitchen knife or ripper please.


Thanks guys!

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making the knife backwards is child's play (switch the model 180 degrees), however, this would also affect the way it looks when hostlered, search the nexus for inverted dagger or something like that.

As for the 1hko when stabbed on the back, well, that's a little more complex, but not much. If you're willing to use the geck to get it done, i can tell you the steps and help you out.

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Ok, to make your dagger you want to do the following:


Open geck, load fallout.esm.


Once it finishes loading, you'll see a white two panel window. On the left is a menu of sorts where you navigate through, on the right, well, the list of things inside.

On the left part, you want to go to items -> weapons. Once you're there, you want to look for the combat knife (you may sort the entries by name if it makes it easier for you), double click it. If it throws errors, say "yes to all". The geck likes to throw random errors for some reason.


You'll now see a window with ALL the data of the weapon, from weight to type to attack animation to model. The idea is to copy all this info to your new weapon (by hand). Let's start by the model, which is the one that requires a little bit more work shall we?


- Go to the "Art and Sound" tab. What you want to do is to copy the data of "inventory image", "model" and "world model object".

- The files are normally stored inside the *.bsa files, and the geck is dumb and doesn't let you select them directly, silly silly geck.

- So, you're going to extract those files, Open FOMM, and go to "bsa unpacker", and look for the files you want to extract, they should probably be in "meshes.bsa" and "textures.bsa". Find them and extract them to your fallout data directory. be mindful of putting them in the same "structure" as they where inside the bsa, so if the file was in meshes/weapons/1hmeleeweapon/sumthinsumthin, you want it in the same location.


Once the files are copied, you're ready to create your new weapon. Remember the window from where you opened the combat knife?, right click on the right side and click on "new" (or add, or sumthing). Put your "new"weapon to one side, the combat knife to the other, and start copying, Be mindful of giving it a different "editor id" and "name". Change other values that you see suitable. Once finished, click ok.


Congratulations, you now have a combat knife clone. Time to give it the backstab thingy enchantment.


First, let's create the script, click on the pencil button at the top, and make a new script. Paste this code:


scn 00killerknife

ref victim
short angle

Begin ScriptEffectStart
 set victim to getself
 set angle to victim.GetHeadingAngle player
 if (angle < - 100 || angle > 100)
victim.killactor player


(havent tested the code but should work)


On the dropdown menu, change the script type from "object" to "effect", and save it.


Close the script window, and now go to "Game Effects" (or something like that) -> "base effects". You want to find one normally caused by a weapon, like "victoryrifleknockdown", or "enchshocker" or "enchflamer" to copy. Once you've found one, open it, then create a new "base effect", and start copying. The things you want to be different are the name, the editorid, and the effect: you want the effect to be "script", and on the drop down menu below it, you want to select 00killerknife.


Once done, go to "object effects". Search again for something "similar" to what you want to copy (ie, a weapon effect), create a new one, and copy everything but the name, editorid, and the effect: you want to choose your newly created killer knife effect here (with duration 0, and area 0).


Almost done here, dont worry.


Open again your weapon (if it was already open, close it and open it), and select your newly created object effect as an enchantment.


Weapon is done, now, how to bring it to the game?. Look under item->weapons for your weapon, you'll notice that one of the tabs is very small (Next to editorid, name, effect, it's there.). Expand it, and it should be "BaseID". The one for your weapon should be 01xxxxxx, write it down, and save your newly created mod.


Open fomm, make sure to add your new weapon mod, and look at it's load order (the number next to it), write it down too.

Start your game, open console, and type:

player.additem <number_of_the_mod_in_the_load_order>xxxxxx 1 100

And poof, you now have a killer knife.

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Well it does it work thanks, but I don't want to release it myself, but you can if you want.


Do you also know a script that will allow me to be fully stealthed even while standing up, an improved version of Silent Running perk sort of thing?

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