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I just downloaded this mod that adds a new race called the Galith (sort of like snow elves) to the game. All the screenshots of the mod have the player wearing really cool armor but the armor isnt in the game or mod. The screenshots can be found at


Does anyone know where to get that armor(or it could be clothes i guess)? Thanks.

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The armour here is from one of the Knights of Tamriel plugins, which can be found here.



The guy on the left here appears to be wearing wolf armour, which is one of the armours you can get in the Bloodmoon expansion.


These are the only new armours I can really recognise...


EDIT: Oops sorry heheh just noticed you were only asking about the armour the player was wearing. Hope you find this info useful anyway. Strange that they haven't included that... you positive you unzipped it all properly?

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