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Character Switch


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It *may* be possible to "fake" a character switch:

You'd want to "save" your current character's sex/race/face/stats/hair on another character, and then either change the sex/raceface/stats/hair on your character or call a showracemenu.


That really sounds interesting, could you explain it a bit more detailed? Coz I am not sure you got my thoughts.


What I wanted to do is in fact a option to customize Companion Hair and Face. So, we both know, that showracemenu etc. is a Player only function. So my thought was, I have to fake the game, that a NPC is the Player via script, then apply the racemenu, make the changes and switch back again.


So there are a few problems with that...


>>> We know, the Player is a Actor-NPC in GECK, his ID is named Player and his Reference is PlayerREF, so the Player Data is saved in this Actor Data I think.



>>> So where gets the game the information how the Player looks like or what Stats/Data he has? It seems like its readed from this PlayerREF


And THIS of course is hardcoded. So go into GECK and change the ID and REF of PlayerREF and I am sure you will encounter big Problems.


So IF a future release of FOSE give the possibility to change ID Names or Object Reference Names to another actor, would it be possible to jump the Player to another actor and jump back again or would you just get a CTD ?

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No, i was thinking more along the lines of:





use those to "save" the player's appearance on an npc, then call showracemenu, edit at your hearths content, and use the same commands to "copy" your newly created appearance to an npc and return the player's old appearance.


NOTE: I'm not sure if it's possible to copy hairs or eyes this way.

NOTE2: I haven't experimented with showracemenu, i'm not sure what it will do to special/skills/perks

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No, i was thinking more along the lines of:





use those to "save" the player's appearance on an npc, then call showracemenu, edit at your hearths content, and use the same commands to "copy" your newly created appearance to an npc and return the player's old appearance.


NOTE: I'm not sure if it's possible to copy hairs or eyes this way.

NOTE2: I haven't experimented with showracemenu, i'm not sure what it will do to special/skills/perks


Well of course its not possible with this 2 functions to copy eyes and hairs :closedeyes:

I wouldn't think about such complicated stuff like above if it could be done that easy.

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Well, if it serves as consolation, OBSE had hair and eye copying abilities, so we may have them on fose someday.

(BUT.. this changes wherent saved on the savefile -,-).


Come to think of it.. even if you somehow manage to edit an npc's hair/race/stuff... does it get saved on the savefile?

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Well, if it serves as consolation, OBSE had hair and eye copying abilities, so we may have them on fose someday.

(BUT.. this changes wherent saved on the savefile -,-).


Come to think of it.. even if you somehow manage to edit an npc's hair/race/stuff... does it get saved on the savefile?


Thats indead a good question. I know this OBSE function, but as you said, its not stored in savegame, so kinda pointless.

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In order to "store" an actor, as far as I can tell, five different sets of information must be stored:

- Appearance

- Inventory

- AVs

- Perks

- Effects


Aside from perks, all of these should be able to be stored on another actor, assuming that functions required for this become available. For perks, it should be possible to use a Form List to store them, although without a "con_HasPerk" function to return the rank of a perk, this information would be lost.


Under more specific circumstances, the player could be made to appear as if it is another actor by using equipment that changes the appearance of the player - much like a wig or a body suit.



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If you haven't read the discussion so far:

- It is not "physically possible" to just change characters.

- It may be possible to disguise the player, but it wont work with hair/eyes/beards, race-changing may have sideeffects on perks, and you can't really do anything to store the existing perks. Any of those sideeffects cannot be repaired by a mod, and cannot be bypassed.

- Easiest method is to put a suit of the player to clone, which would need lotsa modeling skills and work and fiddling making a clothing version of an npc, since there's no direct mesh you can clone (this also means that you'd need a new suit for every npc you wish to clone, no customization on it, and that you wouldn't be able to use clothing OVER the NPC suit). Meaning, any half-sane modeler would cringe like if he heard nails on a chalkboard at the mere thought of making this, and go to a saner project.

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