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creation kit

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OK here is a dumb question

Is there a tutorial on how to use the creation. I want to create a mod that removes ALL of the shrubs, debris and the various junk from sanctuary, I keep removing it but it keeps showing back up when I reload my save games

what I really want is a clean slate so I can build what ever I want all the current mods don't seem to work they all leave something

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Try watching kinggath's video tutorial series "Bethesda Mod School" as it will give you some insight into using the Creation Kit. In general, you'll need some or all of these steps.


1. Develop scheme to remove the objects (more than one way).

2. Landscape tweaking

3. Repair the navmesh once you have the site cleaned,

4. Previs/Precombined generation

5. Lod generation.

6. Test and retest


Also, if there are quests associated with the site, you might have to tweak these as well.


Lastly, when doing serious edit, I'd recommend backing up your plug-in on a regular basis. When testing, coc to the location instead of using a saved game.

Edited by pepperman35
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