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How to block Ripper (bleeding) damage?

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A perk that sets "mod incomming weapon damage" to 0 has no effect (condition is "subject.haskeyword(WeaponTypeMelee1H) = 1") on the weapon condition. The bleeding effect is just a ME that takes a chunck of health "on touch" (0x2387E2).

Making the Perk "Mod incomming Spell magnitude" to 0 also has no effect.


What am I missing? I want to nerf bleeding damage on machines...




Update: I suspect my conditions on the "Mod incomming Spell Magnitude" are at fault - shame Bethesda did not flag anything with a "BleedingDamage" like keyword...

Edited by PJMail
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Ok, I solved it in a bodgy way. The conditions on the "Mod incomming Spell Magnitude" (setvalue 0.0) had to be (in the "Spell" condition) :-


Subject.GetIsID(EnchWeapModShockAndBleed "Electrical and Bleeding Damage" [ENCH:001DE59B]) = 1.000000 OR

Subject.GetIsID(EnchWeapModBleed "Bleed" [ENCH:0009733E]) = 1.000000 OR

Subject.GetIsID(ench_mod_ModLegendaryWeaponBleed "Bleed" [ENCH:001E7C21]) = 1.000000 OR


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Well sometimes you don't have much choice, you have to work with what Bethesda left. If the magic effects had a keyword, you could have used that in condition EPMagic_SpellHasKeyword. That's how I fixed the Tesla T60/Voltaic perk to increase energy damage from magic effects. But of course there were damaging magic effects, which did not have the necessary keyword, so I had to override those as well. So, yeah, bodgy... What's "bodgy" btw? And thanks. Good to know GetIsID could be used like that.

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Bodgy (defn - worthless or inferior) is the Australian form of the British "Bodge" (defn - make or repair something badly or clumsily) - so maybe I am doing myself a disservice...

It isn't that bad a fix, I just hate having to hard-code actual effects into the condition (as it is not a 'universal' fix then).

You are right though - shame Bethesda hadn't put a keyword on those effects (like 'dtBleeding'). Why did they think robots should be effected by bleeding I wonder...


I'll leave that idea for damage overhaul mods...

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