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The Thing


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Someone should use all of the Anchorage textures. And make it like John Carpenter's The Thing. Maybe it could be like the old "The Thing" game from 2002. You could be in a squad of dudes that goes in after the events of the movie or something.


I think this would be totally awesome, someone make it right now or I will cry. I could attempt to make it but I don't really know much about the GECK.

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the original Centaur from Fallout 1 & 2 bore a striking resemblance to the Thing,



problem is doing it justice with the shapeshifting and all.


I disagree, you could fake the shapeshifting by just disappearing the actor and replacing it with another. It wouldnt be pretty but it'd get the job done.


Imo, the hardest part would be capturing the feeling of being dependent on others and somewhat caring what happens to them. If I had to take a stab at it, I would;


1) strip the player of all items, give him a 10mm gun and two clips of ammo.


2) create 3-4 npcs (including the thing) and give each a slightly more powerful weapon and a little ammo (that way killing them doesnt gain you much)


3)make sure the thing cannot be killed by 24 10mm rounds. (Maby have max dmg done by that weapon account for 50% of the things hp) Which would make you either a) dependent on your npc buddies or b) SOL

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the original Centaur from Fallout 1 & 2 bore a striking resemblance to the Thing,



problem is doing it justice with the shapeshifting and all.



You could just make it so when you figure out that they are infected they run away like a little girl. This would also add to the tension because you wouldn't know when they came back or if they transformed into another person.

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the original Centaur from Fallout 1 & 2 bore a striking resemblance to the Thing,



problem is doing it justice with the shapeshifting and all.


I disagree, you could fake the shapeshifting by just disappearing the actor and replacing it with another. It wouldnt be pretty but it'd get the job done.


Imo, the hardest part would be capturing the feeling of being dependent on others and somewhat caring what happens to them. If I had to take a stab at it, I would;


1) strip the player of all items, give him a 10mm gun and two clips of ammo.


2) create 3-4 npcs (including the thing) and give each a slightly more powerful weapon and a little ammo (that way killing them doesnt gain you much)


3)make sure the thing cannot be killed by 24 10mm rounds. (Maby have max dmg done by that weapon account for 50% of the things hp) Which would make you either a) dependent on your npc buddies or b) SOL


Yeah I was thinking of that... Good idea man. I was trying to think of what actors could be used for 'The thing' and I think the centaur and failed FEV would be good but that's not enough.


Any more ideas about what the infected things could be played by would be helpful.

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I have another idea about this mod if it ever gets made (hopefully if I have enough time I will work on it.) I thought about what armor your companions would have. The winterized armor is good but I don't think it is enough for weather like Antarctica. So I was wondering if anyone out there had suggestions. Maybe I could attempt to edit the winterized and make it a new armor that had more protection from the elements. That is all...
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I have another idea about this mod if it ever gets made (hopefully if I have enough time I will work on it.) I thought about what armor your companions would have. The winterized armor is good but I don't think it is enough for weather like Antarctica. So I was wondering if anyone out there had suggestions. Maybe I could attempt to edit the winterized and make it a new armor that had more protection from the elements. That is all...


Winterized combat armor is the way to go. It would fit right in!

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