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Actors missing hands

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Preface: I dont do much work with actors.


Copied an existing race to a new name without making any changes (just want to add race level spells later), lets say Ghoul to SKK_Ghoul.


Open a custom Enc actor originally based on Ghoul Race copy it to SKK_EncActor, all good.


Change the SKK_EncActor traits to the unmodified SKK_Ghoul race, no other changes.


Hands disappear in preview and in world. Oh and it uses default humn skin rather than unchnaged SkinGhoulNaked.


Flip the actor back to original ghoul race, hands appear and skin turns wrinkly.


What have I not done for the copied race record ?

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I don't have as much experience in race and actor creation, but here's what I think.

SKK_Ghoul -> Body Data -> Skin -> SkinNaked

SKK_EncActor -> Traits -> Race -> SKK_Ghoul

SKK_EncActor -> Traits -> Skin -> SkinNaked(same as the Race) or NONE(if NONE, should inherit the Skin from the Race)

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Maybe I've overlooked something in your original statement but


Usually when creating a new race you need to create new skin. (Which is found under "Armor")

You need to duplicate it and set the race to your SKK race.

But also you need to duplicate the Armor Addon (FeralGhoulWhole) and set the race to your SKK race.


Afterwards you can change the skin for the whole race or just for your SKK Ghoul.

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@robotized thabks that exactly what I had done.


@Zorrkaz thanks but its not FeralGhoul its just Ghoul for which the only armor addon is SkinGhoulNaked which coivers body and hands.



I made a copy of default SkinGhoulNaked (BODY & HANDS) to SKK_SkinGhoulNaked and assigned it to the SKK_Ghoul race and SKK_EncActor but it makes no difference. If I remove the actor outfit I just get a ghoul (no not feral) texture head floating in the preview window.


Of course all the youtube videos just blindly stab the same buttons I do along with the confidence inspiring "I'm not sure what this does, but ..." lines

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Man... I know I had this issue too with Ghould Child Race. I will play around and see what's the issue

Btw. is your buggy ghoul clothed (So is he using armor...) or are the hands missing without clothing at all


Edit: My hands are showing up on the copy ghoul, both race, skin and NPC are using duplicate records









However if you apply an external material swap to the ghoul actor (E.g Human Hands Dirty) the head disappears

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Hands are missing with or wihthout clothing using the copy race.


Infact removing the outfit causes the whole body to be missing. With clothing (tattered rags) can see the chest/arm/leg skin only missing the hands.


ps the WHY is making "partially rotted" Feral Ghoul bosses out of Ghouls who can use weapons but dont talk, only use the crFeralGhoul FX noises. Which is why I really need the race to assign the Creature dialog quest so I dont have to tediously make it again myself with custom voicetype. Plus avoiding a crap tonne of runtime scripting. Although the unpredictability of actor skin textures is driving me that way ....

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In copying ARMA SkinGhoulNaked and assigning to my copy race it stripped off the ArmorAddons NakedGhoulHands and NakedGhoulTorso. Copying them and assigning to the copy race and then to the Skin fixed it all up. So Zorkaz was correct above in needing to copy the Armor/Skin and then the Armor/Addons.

For future frustration the specific steps to recreate the SKIN for a COPY RACE were:

GhoulRace > SKK_GhoulRace

ARMA NakedGhoulHands > SKK_NakedGhoulHands = SKK_GhoulRace

ARMA NakedGhoulTorso > SKK_NakedGhoulTorso = SKK_GhoulRace

ARAM SkinGhoulNaked > SKK_SkinGhoulNaked + SKK_NakedGhoulHands + SKK_NakedGhoulTorso = SKK_GhoulRace

SKK_GhoulRace = SKK_SkinGhoulNaked

EncActor = SKK_GhoulRace

EncActor = SKK_SkinGhoulNaked

& I appreciate the support folks.

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