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Simple mod request


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* You may not want to unequip armor, specially if you're using mods that change armor stats and the one you're wearing increases your strength or carrying capacity.


* A certain ghoul is known to chase you to your very house if you trash the deal, you may not want to be naked and weaponless at that time.


* As far as i know, it'd require fose


* Any mod that adds, for one reason or another, un-unequipable gear (such as alternate start giving you a slave collar that you cant unequip if you choose to start as an escaped slave) would be.. problematic with a mod like this, requiring additional bypassing.


* This could be not too desireable for anyone using a nude mod.

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* As far as i know, it'd require fose


* Any mod that adds, for one reason or another, un-unequipable gear (such as alternate start giving you a slave collar that you cant unequip if you choose to start as an escaped slave) would be.. problematic with a mod like this, requiring additional bypassing.

This would only be true if you were to use FOSE's GetEquippedObject, along with UnequipItem, which is the most obvious solution. However, another solution would be to simply displace all equipped objects by using dummy equipment. Just use AddItem/EquipItem/RemoveItem to displace all equipped items taking up biped slots. Be careful not to force the actor to equip new stuff by omitting UnequipItem.



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