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How to check for an invalid (Form <None>) form in an array?

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I have an array for an NPC's inventory (Form[] InvItems).

If one of the pieces recorded in it is invalidated (because the mod it is defined in is removed) that element returns a value of "Form <None>".

This does NOT == None. How can I test for it so I don't get errors when trying to use it?


Formlists seem to work with element == None, but not elements in arrays (in a Script) it seems.



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Thats what I already do. I am testing against "testing", not "InvItems".


I have tried "Game.getform(0x0)" and "Form[] inv=new form[1]" (and compared to inv[0]). All just display and compare as "None" rather than "Form <None>"

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My only option at this point is the "!(testing is Weapon)" etc for every valid form type I expect.


I am doing an "equipItem" so apart from Weapon and Armor, are there any other form types you can 'equip'?


Update: Looks like only those 2...

Edited by PJMail
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My only option at this point is the "!(testing is Weapon)" etc for every valid form type I expect.


I am doing an "equipItem" so apart from Weapon and Armor, are there any other form types you can 'equip'?


Update: Looks like only those 2...


Potions are consumed by equipping.

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