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A new robe.


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I know that nobody here owes me a thing, but I'd very much appreciate it if someone would make me a new robe based on the one in the attachment.


Please try to include the gloves and undershirt area, and if you don't mind too terribly, could you make the pants and boots black instead of the standard brown of the robe models, as well as make it look new and clean as opposed to the worn dirty look?

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True, but the maker could easily just make the hood a separate piece of clothing if they want to accommodate long haired characters, or just do away with the hood all together if they don't feel like going through the trouble.
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Just in case anyone DOES make this, I'd like for it's to have a lower damage resistance since it's supposed to be made mostly of silk except for the leather pants/boots/etc, and the silver shoulder pads and metal mesh.


As for enchantments, I'm going to assume the gloves, body, and helmet will be separate items to allow more.


Gloves: Boons to unarmed, melee, and energy weapons, and repair.

Robe: Boons to charisma/speech, sneak, and agility.

Hood: Boons to intelligence, perception, science, and medicine.


Sorry if I sound like I'm asking for too much.

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