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Need Help With Personal Mod


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I have a mod idea and have been trying to work on it when I can.My mod idea is to take over Springvale Elementary School and the Super Duper Mart.I would also like to take over Hamiltons' Hideaway.The idea is that I doubt these places would have been left uninhabited and unfortified.I know raiders occupy both the school and the "Mart".I just find it unlikely that some group would not have wiped out the raiders and taken over these places themselves.My problem is I am new to modding and lack the skills needed to do what needs to be done.I have already cleaned out the school and added basic merchants and guards.I tried to make it look like the beginnings of a base.I also cleaned out the "Mart" and turned it into a base.I only added a few generic guards to some towers I placed around the "Mart".It also has plenty of living spaces including a place for the player to live.I have not done anything to the Hideaweay yet.I would like the Hideaway to be the civilian operations.The Mart would be considered the main base while the school could act as an outpost.I need help with navmeshing and creating better NPCs.I would like the NPCs to have schedules and do other things.I would like the guards to have shift changes,merchants work certain times,have people eating and drinking and the cook take their orders and talk to them e.t.c.If you are interested in helping please respond to this message.(I will send you the mod if you are serious)I believe I have a good idea and I do not want to give up on it.

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First, let me welcome you to the world of modding and your first post on the nexus. Hello!


Now, I don't want to rain on your parade, but remaking the Super Duper Mart will bork the Wasteland Survival Guide Quest, won't it? After all, Moira sends the LW there to battle some Raiders and get food and meds. Are you prepared to break that quest with your mod?


May I suggest another angle? Why not take one of the nearby LOD buildings (the ones that you can't actually enter, and are there just for show) and place a teleport door to a new cell on one of their fake entryways and thus create a new building interior to put your ideas into?


Anyway, best of luck...

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  • 3 months later...

Sounds like a great idea. For my mod I'm actually make a ton of new factions. Since primarly all you bump into in the waste of Raiders. I've created a bunch of new factions that actually fight against Raiders and you. Adds a lot more challenge and you'll get to see a lot more action.

Was considering having them spawn in areas where Raiders frequent most.

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