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There are planty of gun mods on the internet and probalby most of them here on the nexus. Some add realistic weapons like Kalashnikovs and M4/M16 and other handguns, but i would suggest you try this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7384 or this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php...14589&tab=3

becouse they fit a bit better in Tamriel. This is my opinion altough i made for my self a FM Scar rifle :P

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If the guns are used as a bow (of course I am talking about the ones which are used as bows, not the ones posted above), wouldn't it be easy to give them a more realistic maybe automatic gun effect by speeding up the bow animation and giving it new sound effects? I mean I'm not a modder but this seems like a pretty simple thing to do, even for Oblivion. (Maybe I'm wrong?)
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Here's my idea, i want to make a mod that allows the player to use guns, but i need some good tutorials, can anyone help me with this?


If you want guns in oblivion, get fallout 3 and extract the guns form thats construction set and convert

them to fit into oblivion and hey presto youve now got guns in oblivion.

(oh and if you do this dont forget to extract the model movements for characters and guns)

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