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I was planning on buying GOTY for PC since I have it on Xbox and am dying to try out some of the mods I have seen. But I have decided to play it safe so I am asking for help. With Morrowind Goty on your PC with many mods, is there a good chance of getting a lot of viruses and other computer related errors? Mainly what im asking is: Does the game cause much errors and viruses?
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It causes PLENTY of errors, but (as far as I know) they will only crash the game, and sometimes cause a lock-up. As long as you save often, you don't have to worry about it...and I think that there are some mods that help prevent even that. (Does the FPS Optimizer decrease crashes?). As far as viruses, certainly not from the original game. It's always a good idea to scan ANYTHING you download anyway, but as long as you stick with reputable servers, you shouldn't have to worry. I would say "Go for it!"


You also get this nifty thing that we like to call 'The Console'. You can do almost anything that needs done with that, but it won't pick up your dirty socks.

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PC Morrowind is indefinitely better. Of course, with any download, there's a chance to get a virus. But, if you stick to reputable servers and sites like Morrowind Summit, Euro-Morrowind, and Morrowind Source, you're highly unlikely to get any harmful files.
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you're not going to get a virus from a commercial product. if you download stuff from the Summit and the Source you'll be fine for plugins. also, if alot of people recommend a plugin that doesn't happen to be there, chances are it's fine too.


morrowind is very buggy. but the goty edition is prepatched with the latest patch, which helps. also check the stickied guides.


when using mods, install one at a time and play around with it for a bit to test it out. i get alot of CTDs now, and i think it might be the Lighting Mod, but i'm not certain on that. if i'd spent enough time checking, i'd have known for sure.


any texture mods you get (the one's that don't have .esp files - they're just a bunch of texture files to go in your ./Data Files/Textures directory) won't have any problems at all. any that require .esps 'may' have problems if any textures (or meshes) are missing. most other mods can cause a variety of problems, but if they are done well, any problems should be few and far between.


make sure you use TESTool if you're using alot of mods - removes alot of conflicts. just keep a backup of all your data files (i keep my compressed mods in a separate folder).


and if you use any mods that modify the morrowind.ini file, or do any tweaking to it yourself (as noted in one of the stickies), make sure to make a backup.

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