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The game crashes when entering buildings.

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I started a new game with a bunch of newly downloaded mods and I have used BOSS to reorder my load order and Wrye bash to create the bashed patch for better functionality.

Yet, my game crashes instantly when the prospector saloon in goodsprings, this happens all the time. However without any mods this crash doesnt occur at all, but I need advice on how to manage this issue.


My load order is:



Active Mods

• 00 FalloutNV.esm

• 01 YUP - Base Game.esm

• 02 Companion Core.esm

• 03 IWS-Core.esm [Version 1.9]

• 04 Companion Share & Recruit.esm

• 05 EZ_CompanionNVSE.esm [Version 5.9]

• 06 FOOK - New Vegas.esm

• 07 Inventory Access.esm

• 08 AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm

• 09 MoMod.esm

• 0A More Perks.esm

• 0B NVInteriors_Core.esm

• 0C NVInteriors_WastelandEditon.esm

• 0D Project Nevada - Core.esm

• 0E Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

• 0F Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

• 10 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

• 11 project nevada - cyberware.esp

• ++ AWOP-MoMod.esp

• 12 populatedcasino.esp

• 13 FOOK - New Vegas.esp

• 14 XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two per level.esp

• 15 pnv.esp

• ++ Improved Sound FX.esp

• 16 Improved Sound FX - Weapon Sharing Fix.esp

• 17 NewVegasBounties.esp

• 18 More Perks Update.esp

• 19 DK_BulletTime_NV.esp [Version 1.1.5]

• 1A IWS-Core-Patrols.esp [Version 1.9]

• ++ IWS-Core-Guards.esp [Version 1.9]

• ++ IWS-Core-Civilians.esp [Version 1.9]

• 1B MojaveEnclavePatrols_v1.0.esp

• 1C Powered Power Armor.esp

• ++ pnvpoweredpowerarmor.esp

• 1D TGsArmorCollectionVegas.esp

• 1E Caesars_Legion_Overhaul.esp

• 1F Companion Share & Recruit Companions.esp

• 20 Companion Sandbox Mode.esp [Version 2]

• 21 GARU.esp

• 22 dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp

• 23 WeaponModsExpanded.esp

• ++ Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

• 24 Vurt's WFO.esp

• 25 Nevada Skies.esp

• 26 MoMod - Rebalanced Leveled Lists.esp

• ++ MoMod - Vanilla Spawn Chance.esp

• 27 OldWorldRadio.esp

• 28 RealSmokes.esp

• 29 TFH Rugged Race.esp

• ++ WeightlessAmmo_Vanilla.esp

• 2A NVCE Main.esp

• 2B EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp

• ++ WMX-EVE-NoDLC.esp

* Bashed patch


(These mods were not recognized by BOSS)



  • YUP - Base Game.esm Active
  • MoMod - Rebalanced Leveled Lists.esp Active
  • MoMod - Vanilla Spawn Chance.esp
  • OldWorldRadio.esp Active
  • RealSmokes.esp Active
  • TFH Rugged Race.esp Active
  • WeightlessAmmo_Vanilla.esp
  • NVCE Main.esp Active
  • EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp Active
  • WMX-EVE-NoDLC.esp

I haven't reordered these ones, since I really dont know how to position them...

What is causing this crash? So far it seems stable with all of these mods working together, but why do buildings cause such a problem?

Please help, I can't progress or continue since I have to start the quest at prospector saloon, and I am unable to do so due to crashes.

EDIT: If it is not too much to ask, could I get help at reordering these unrecognized mods?

Edited by Dragongreatsword
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YUP needs to go right under your DLC esm's. It says as much in the readme, which I have to guess you didn't read :\


As for the others I'm not familiar with any of them, so you'll have to either read their documentation, or hope someone else on the forums can advise you, but try again with YUP in its correct location, it wouldn't surprise me if that's a major contributing factor to your crashes.

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things to try

check your load order with FNVEdit. It will give you an error if there is a file dependency error.

Consider disabling portions of your load order to see what mod is causing the crash.

check the game files (consider a reinstall, won't mess up your load order or saved games)

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