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Actor Resurrect / Reset stops attached spells

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This may be a well known thing but it just cost me a solid day of super-tedious debugging.


When an actor is Reset() (no, not resurrect thats broken) by script or magic effect (in my case crGlowingOneBurst spell > GlowingOneReanimate MGEF > PermanentReanimate architype) ...


... the actor re-animiates with rerolled face/inventory but all of the keywords, actor values and spells directly applied to the original are still on the actor ...


EXCEPTING the spell magic effects do not run, the spells have to be removed and reapplied to work.


The bastard is that there is no OnInit or OnLoad event triggered by actor.Reset() and any magic attached scripts ofcourse dont run. The ONLY workaround I could figure is a script directly attached to the actor form to detect the condition with;

Bool bHasDied = False ; script is not CONST


Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState)

If (bHasDied  == True) 
   bHasDied  = False ; for the next reanimation
   Self.AddSpell(ThisSpell, abVerbose = false)



Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller)
   bHasDied = True


Could make it CONST by using an actor attached actorvalue as the HasDiedAlready flag (except that script also uses states anyway).


If this saves someone else a day thats pay-back.

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I will add this to my annoyance list of situations where magic effects 'dissappear' on NPCs... Thanks SKK.


Do you think this is related to the 'all Magic effects stop when weapon/clothing is equipped' bug?

I assume the reset does not return a naked NPC so equips would happen in that process.

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