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Linkrefing two workshop objects

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Is it possible to link two workshop objects together so I can use Getlinkedref() and similar things on these objects?


Btw. I'm perfectly fine with them not being constructible at first, but I need to move them in the Workshop menu

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Okay so I scripted this on the Activator. Spawning the second one works.

But the activator now can't be moved in the workshop. Any ideas?


Scriptname ZLTestScr extends ObjectReference

Activator Property ZLActivator2 Auto
Keyword Property Zipline Auto
ObjectReference Property TheLIne Auto

Event OnInit()
TheLine = Self.PlaceAtNode("SpawnPoint", ZLActivator2, 1, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)
Self.Setlinkedref (TheLine)

Edit: Disregard that came from another physics issue

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