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Need help with Healing a Custom Companion who is outside of the default system.

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I followed a rather nice tutorial about setting up custom companions via global variables. It works great, and you can still travel with one of the vanilla companions because the custom ones don't register with the default system, but one defect to it is that companions created in this way are not able to be healed when they go into bleed-out (no interaction to do so ever appears above the ailing companion).


The companion I made also does not utilize his awareness lines (such as when the player is taking on radiation, is in water, has healed Dogmeat, or when the companion himself is in bleed-out and in need of healing and--if I ever get it working--has been successfully healed.)


Would I need to create a custom activator of some sort? If I could just get the default healing interaction to pop-up and function with this fellow, then that would be a victory in my book. I love the dialogue I made, but getting him back into the fight is more of a priority right now.



Any advice would be much appreciated. :happy:

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I think this is done via a perk with some conditions



Getitemcount Stimpak > 0



HealthLevel < 1

GetisId == MyCompanion


ActivateChance -> Replace Default -> Name "Stimpak"


And then run a script on the fragment using a spell like




Not sure about the animation. Hopefully you'll get what I meant with the above writing :)

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The default companion healing function is run by HC_Manager script which dynamically changes keywords, actor values and event registrations to make healing happen based on the standard Companion and DogmeatCompanion quest aliases.


I have written several standalone healing systems for settlers and player followers. It is not simple involving a quest with reference aliases, manager script to populate the reference aliases, perk to apply healing and event script to handle bleedout. Not something I can "teach" here.


ps the stimpak healing effect alone will NOT pop an actor out of beedout. The ACTUAL way an actor gets out of NoBleedoutRecovery has NOTHING to do with stimpacks AT ALL, but script:

(Target as Actor).SetNoBleedoutRecovery(False)
While ((Target as Actor).IsBleedingOut() == True) && ((Target as Actor).IsDead() == False)
 Utility.WaitMenuMode(1.0) ; takes 10 to 15 seconds, actually use a timer in real life to avoid script blocking 
(Target as Actor).SetNoBleedoutRecovery(True)
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[Would I need to create a custom activator of some sort?]


For bleeding case - only system keyword playerCanStimpak. And it must sit directly on a char or be added by function AddKeyword(), quest alias doesn't work if something, as i remember.


Versatile procedure can be attached to Activation choice perk entry for anyone unhealable in bleedout, then would be two-step process, first - add keyword, second - system prompt to heal appears. Although thereafter a "patched" char can be healed anytime.


There are Companion affinity system and events, look how it all works, e.g. CA_Event_ChemUse etc. Dialogues must support it i guess. ps. companionActorScript and all such. There should be a way to hook into default events i think, but have barely touched it.

Edited by hereami
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/8/2022 at 7:00 PM, Zorkaz said:




  On 5/8/2022 at 7:03 PM, SKK50 said:





  On 5/9/2022 at 8:45 AM, hereami said:




I just wanted to let you all know that I actually did see and read all of your responses--and not very long after you wrote them at that. :yes:


I copied down the parts that seemed the most familiar to my brain and attempted to use them as starting points. I did have some success (my ghoul--Desmond--can be healed by the player now), but there's still some progress to be made. I'm thinking that the main problem is that he has not been added to the vanilla current companion faction while he is acting as an active companion. I'm sure he could use his response dialogue properly if he was. As it stands, I took a look at a couple of companion-affecting mods just to see how things played out.


I became a bit peeved when I ran the Follower Revive System and saw Deacon heal Desmond and visa versa. There must be something sufficiently companion-centric about Desmond that Deacon can recognize when he needs to be--and that he can be--healed.


Then I was on some long lost thread that contained a list of console commands. On a whim, I selected Desmond while the console was open and typed "SetPlayerTeammate 1" and it was this that finally allowed me to heal him during bleed-out. :wacko:


- - - - - - -


Possibly my next step might be downloading a custom companion mod for the sole purpose of dissecting it. Once I understand how this whole thing works, I'll probably remember it for life and also smack myself on the head for missing something that's probably very obvious to more practiced eyes, but for now he CAN be healed, so I have cause to be happy.


I wish to thank all three of you for responding back. I'm not giving up on this, so if you happen to think of something else that might help, or want to point a different direction out to my brain, please feel free to do so. Thanks again. :happy:

Edited by Lollia
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