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More Weapons in Fallout 3?


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Hi ive been playing fallout 3 for a while now and have been really impressed with the amount and quality of different weapons created by the modding community


As i fail at using the GECK, i just thought id put some suggestions for some new weapons in the game


RPK (with barrel)



Bren Gun



Sten Gun


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For the first, the leggy things are a no-no. They'll clip with everything and there's no way to implement stationary fire without frying your brain. The gun itself is not too different from many i've seen otherwise.


The second haves a problem: It would require a custom reload animation, which would require an animator to do it (not many around) and a scripter to cleverly work around the geck's limitation on adding custom reload animations.


The third suffers from the second's problem, and it would also require a custom firing animation of its own.

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For the first, the leggy things are a no-no. They'll clip with everything and there's no way to implement stationary fire without frying your brain. The gun itself is not too different from many i've seen otherwise.


The second haves a problem: It would require a custom reload animation, which would require an animator to do it (not many around) and a scripter to cleverly work around the geck's limitation on adding custom reload animations.


The third suffers from the second's problem, and it would also require a custom firing animation of its own.



The first weapon looks much like an AK47 but differs as it is larger and more of a light machine gun than an assault rifle. the drum magazine would also hold a larger round capacity (about 75).


Hmmm i was hoping for the Bren Gun to make a return as i've seen it used in previouse Fallout games. Bit of a shame because i thought maybye the Bren Gun, being used in World War II, could be used as a 'heavy infantry' choice for raiders. Arr well. The time for someone to make a custom animation for the relaod really wouldn't be worth anyones time if it was just ment for one weapon.


Thanks for the feedback anyway =)

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Well, I believe the Alien Blaster and Firelance has the cells inserted through the side, so that might be a usable substitute for the Sten's reloading.
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how about the RPD though?

im guessing it could be made by increasing the size of an AK47 (keeping it in proportion though) and fitting a barrel onto it instead of a normal magazine. the animation for the combat shotgun could work for that maybye?

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I doubt you can use the normal combat shotgun one, if i'm not mistaken, the forward hand grip of it comes before the magazine. (can't remember right).

The barrel thing is the least of it tho, the weapon shouldn't be too horrible to adapt/create, it wouldn't surprise me if there was one created already, or one very similar. Sniff around the several weapon packs.

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how about the RPD though?

im guessing it could be made by increasing the size of an AK47 (keeping it in proportion though) and fitting a Drum* onto it instead of a normal magazine. the animation for the combat shotgun could work for that maybye?

Drum Magazine, not barrel. The pointy dangerous end is the barrel

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