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Force save and load to ALWAYED be enabled no matter what


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I occasionally run into a bug/glitch with save disabling where either loading or saving gets disabled, or both get disabled.


I want a mod made that FORCES the game to have Saving and Loading ALWAYS enabled no matter what to be a workaround and kick this glitch in it's f**** a**. I'm up to HERE with that glitch, it's been nothing but a thorn in my side since day one, so I want that glitch to finally face it with a mod that'll have it's fate sealed. If I ever start anew my autosaves can stick like glue cause I've had enough of this glitch.

Edited by ZxAsriel
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Do you play on survival mode???


Saving while having another menu on the screen will cause the game to crash when you try and load that save..... There are indeed some instances when you DON'T want to save.... :)

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