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Grappling hook/Zip-line/Climbing.


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Alright... Name says it all. There needs to be some kind of method for getting to the top of a steep cliff without having to take the most round-about course, a path to be created to get up and onto a bridge the begins some 30 kilometers away, an ability to get up onto the rooftops of buildings without running through the rat maze of Super Mutants inside... And then get back down safely. xD.


I'm not a modder of Fallout 3, nor Oblivion. A similar mod for oblivion introduced the Rope/Vine Arrows of the Thief series. Not that they worked without a hitch, but they worked. Something along the lines of that would serve the intended purpose, although rather than directly being vertical, these ropes would have to play along with the havoc engine, "tagging," themselves to a particular point.


i.e, Fire one up and over a rock, with a trajectory just like the Fat Man's. Trailing behind it would be the rope, which basically free-falls wherever it would. Once the head lands, that's where it will tow the player to. Even if there's a clipping walk-through-the-walls thing going on when the player is pulled along, there's a nice start.


That's the idea, nuff' said.

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Rofl, I wasn't going to expect animations xD. But something that can at least haul me up a wall or cliff face, as I said, even if it's done via clipping. Having modded for Fable: TLC, I know what it's like having morons ask, "du eet 4 mi plz im so prtty so u du 4 mi?" and the incredibly tedious process that goes along with actually making the mod. (Although, in all fairness, Fable: TLC probably required the least amount of scripting ever. Which was good, since I can't mesh for crap xD.)


I've tried my hand at scripting for Oblivion and buggered my game up completely. All I wanted to do was have a nice visual of Lucien Lachance putting up a fight! XDXD. Almost had it right, too. I messed up some exterior cell or another, and seeing as I couldn't remember which cell caused the CTD whenever I left any town, I decided, "Yeah. *censored* it. If I leave Anvil, I'm doomed."

As Fallout 3 takes a full hour and fifteen minutes to re-install on my present computer... I'm a little reluctant to try making the same mistake, albeit that I'm not borrowing the game from a friend or such at least. But that aside,


I'm not hoping for too much with this. Just a way to scale walls and rocks without having to feel like a cheater every time, punching in, "TCL." Animations aren't needed.. No bells and whistles. Just some other method besides TCL and taking the scenic route xD.

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Modding shouldnt screw your game unless you:

a ) create a perk, add it to the character, and then remove the mod. (character gets screwed).

b ) add an effect to an armor, put it on, completely change the effect of the armor (character gets screwed stats, solved by loading earlier save, also solved by saving naked before doing such changes).


Anything else, de-activate the mod and all is sweet.

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It was the first thing I had done with Oblivion. Or tried to, anyway. First and only. xD.


Since it had been the first time I had actually tried changing things around, I couldn't tell you where I went wrong. Deactivating the mod didn't change anything; Still whenever I approached Applegate Farm, which was where I tried to have Lucien make a good account of himself, I'd suffer a CTD if I made it that far out of Chorrol. Or, wait.. Was it Bravil? Anvil, Bravil or Chorrol. I know it was one of them. Lol. Either way, it broke the quest irreparably since I couldn't figure out what was wrong and didn't have the Oblivion CD's to re-install with.


Anyways, we're heading off-topic with this.

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