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bfloatpointrendertarget=1 causes texture errors indoor


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I've recently reformatted my hard drive, and after doing so I reinstalled skyrim and all of my mods. I had saved my .ini files on a usb key and am using the same ones as before the reformatting. However now when I go indoors in Skyrim many textures fail to appear. I've determined that this is due to bFloatPointRenderTarget being set to 1 rather than 0. However I need it to be set to 1, otherwise I get sun rays showing up through buildings and mountains if I'm out doors due to my ENB.

Here's a screenshot of the issue http://i.imgur.com/3ttZpb5.jpg

And this is my mod list http://i.imgur.com/DLk8gVb.png

I also run SKSE and the vibrant preset of Skyrealism - ENB Evolved


My specs are as follows:
Intel i7 3770k
Nvidia GTX 670
8gb ram
Skyrim is stored on a 120gb mushkin chronos SSD.

If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this problem, they would be much appreciated.


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Alright, I tried re-installing Skyrim and playing with out any mods and the bug still persists. This gives me the impression that there is either an issue with my .inis or my save file.

Edited by GVSz
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