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After Fallout 3:Operation Nostos


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I have a mod (Free Play) that allows you to continue after you die


Perhaps after the last mission [providing you don't throw the virus in] you wake up in the Citadel and you see that the BoS have saved you.You as Paladin help the BoS fight big armies of Raiders/Super Mutants.All is well,when suddenly some crazy survivors from Vault 56 (to be created) are trying to spread the FEV Virus.Perhaps Sentinel Lyons and you [if male] can have some romance involved I dunno.Anyway, just to let you know,the Water Purification Project would need at least 2 years to have visible positive consequences [so the modders don't need to change the locations].Nostos means love for the motherland in ancient Greek.


This ofcourse would require huge modding capabilities but I think its worth it


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