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How to make a custom companion play smoking idles with scripts/ai packages?

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Okay, so I have a custom companion, with dialogue, packages & follower quests. I have the vanilla smoking animations extracted.


What I want her to do is this:


- When she is following you & you open dialogue with her, she plays the 'take out cigarette animation'.


- After this, she transitions to the various flavour idles at random during the convo. The holding, inhaling & hand gestures.


- When you exit dialogue, she plays the 'throw away cigarette animation'



I have already tried this with AI packages, but the results are inadequate & inconsistent. Using the begin/end/change tab doesn't seem to trigger properly, ignoring the conditions. The idles tab doesn't work at all.


I have very little knowledge of scripting, the scripts I do use only exist because of Youtube tutorials.


Any advice welcome.

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Simplest would be to activate/deactivate the smoking animation on scene start/end (Talk Scene).


If the scene AI package does not work for you (I'm not sure why), then here's an another workaround:


1) Open your custom follower's dialogue ("Talk") quest (if she would be a vanilla companion: COMCaitTalk)


2) Open the Talk Scene (COMCaitTalk_TalkScene)


3) Click "Edit Data" >> Click "Run fragment" (in both "On Begin" and "On End").


4) Click "Properties", add two script properties:


- Type: Keyword

- Name: AnimFlavorSmoking

- Auto-Fill the property


- Type: Actor

- Name: EditorID of your custom follower. (Let's say she's "CompanionActor").

- Auto-Fill the property


5) Code:


- On Begin:


- On End:


Compile it, then click OK.

Edited by LarannKiar
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Simplest would be to activate/deactivate the smoking animation on scene start/end (Talk Scene).


If the scene AI package does not work for you (I'm not sure why), then here's an another workaround:


1) Open your custom follower's dialogue ("Talk") quest (if she would be a vanilla companion: COMCaitTalk)


2) Open the Talk Scene (COMCaitTalk_TalkScene)


3) Click "Edit Data" >> Click "Run fragment" (in both "On Begin" and "On End").


4) Click "Properties", add two script properties:


- Type: Keyword

- Name: AnimFlavorSmoking

- Auto-Fill the property


- Type: Actor

- Name: EditorID of your custom follower. (Let's say she's "CompanionActor").

- Auto-Fill the property


5) Code:


- On Begin:


- On End:


Compile it, then click OK.

You are an epic human being & I appreciate you.


It worked, it actually worked!


Something else happened as well. A while back I added the 'companion gives player items' feature to earlier versions of my follower. It never worked. I entered dialogue with her to test your script & she said one of the lines I made for her & gave me a nuka cola quantum. I don't know how it fixed it but it did.


Thanks again.

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