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Flying.. Vertabird travel


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Hey all, I was wondering if it would be possible to create a virtibird travel system. I do not mean a fast travel system. I mean something more along the lines of Morrowind. You pay a fee, sit back and relax as you travel from point a to point b.


Is this possible? =)

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Hey all, I was wondering if it would be possible to create a virtibird travel system. I do not mean a fast travel system. I mean something more along the lines of Morrowind. You pay a fee, sit back and relax as you travel from point a to point b.


Is this possible? =)


Guess it works the same since morrowind.



So its very easy to do with minimal GECk skills.


Here a Mod, that has Vertibird Travel like you want it, but without charge:


Enclave Commander

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