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Resetting Health


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I have been trying to make a script that will cause nanobots (armor) to reset my health to 100% if my health falls below 50%.


But, I want it to keep a track on my health and reset it if the condition above is met, however it won't reset my health unless I unequip it and then equip it again.


Here is my code:


SCN ResetHealth2


Ref GetHealth


Begin ScriptEffectStart


Set GetHealth to player.gethealthpercentage


If GetHealth <= 50








Any help would be great.



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Why are you using a "ref" variable to hold a regular value? These variables should be used to store FormIDs, "int" variables should be used to store integer values, and "float" variables should be used to store floating point values.


That said, you really don't need to use a variable to store the result of "player.GetHealthPercentage" anyway, as you can place this directly in your condition:

if player.GetHealthPercentage < 0.5

You'll want to note that GetHealthPercentage returns a value between 0 and 1, as opposed to returning a value between 0 and 100.



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