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Fallout 3 darnu ui DUI F3 button not doing anything


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Hi! I figured I'd try on here since steam has alot of people trying to fix these games. I've been trying all day at this game, I got Fose to work with the anniversary patcher..... I have all 4 fallout mod managers installed because only one allows you to change the load order..... and I got it to show the darn ui in game with no problems, I had the rain and snow mod and the fwe mod installed, and I had the darn ui hotfix for fwe, I have file invalidation on, and I've looked over every forum in the search engine and no one else has this specific problem. The DUI F3 option is in the main menu not the pause menu, I've tried downloading hud managers and they do absolutely nothing to the game. I can reinstall if needed or whatever, I have all the files ready, but all I'd like is for the button to actual take me to the options menu, some hud elements are bigger and smaller than others. If anyone can help that would be awesome! I wish these great games didnt take a month on and off just to start a new game with performance fixes and minor tweaks
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The game cannot be installed in "Program Files". The Windows User Account Control prevents any changes to be made to any file in Program Files. You will need to have the game installed in another location. Some people have it installed in the "My Games" folder. I have the game installed directly on "C" drive with a path of C://Bethesda Softworks/Fallout 3/Fallout3.exe.


When you install the DarNUI, you must manually make the change to the fonts in the Fallout.ini. You must first start the game so that the .ini file is generated. You will find the file to change in your My Documents/My Games folder. When you have added the correct fonts, you will need to delete the original fonts that were generated when the .ini was created. You will also have to change the DarN fonts so that they read the same as the vanilla fonts.


After you have made these changes, you will need to turn off/turn on (toggle) Archive Invalidation in your mod manager. You will need to do this when you make any changes to any texture.


When you start the game for the first time, you cannot have any mods active during the tutorial. It is a known problem that the game will freeze during the birth sequence if mods are active. You should play through the tutorial until just before the birthday party and make a save. Then continue until you are in the vault tunnel and make another save. Now activate you mods, exit the tunnel to the wasteland, wait until all the messages are completed and make another save. These saves are to be kept until you are ready to uninstall the game. If you want to start a new game, you will only have to load the save you first made in the wasteland. If you want to make a major change to your load order, you can start the game in the vault tunnel.

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