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How to backup/transfer Vortex profiles' saves/data?


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How to backup/sync Vortex profiles?


So, the SSD on my gaming PC died and is in the workshop for repair attempts but I’ve likely lost dozens of hours of Fallout 4 save games, which left me wondering if I could have saved all that “work” by backing up my profiles/saves to the cloud service I use to backup my irreplaceable files.


I can find instructions on copying my downloaded mods, which is nice for saving me a few hours of downloading, but I can’t find any mention of transferring the Appdata folders where save games etc are stored. If I can get Vortex to recognise my installed mods as a draft collection, so that helps too - even if it's not Collections' (primary?) purpose.


Since I’m a bit obsessed with FO4 at the moment, I’ve started a new game on my laptop and see from my Vortex > Profiles > Open Save Games that my new games are saved here:

C:\Users\<myname>\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\H1uCbfHZ5


I’ve also found Vortex folders here:



And here:



I like to imagine that if I'm careful to use the same install paths, I can copy+paste from my backups to the corresponding folders in the destination computer to minimize lost progress, but I'm days away from being able to test and have limited cloud space...


So, what can/should I backup to the cloud so that when I get my PC back, I can files back to the PC and preserve as much profile saves/data as possible?


Or am I doomed to start with a clean slate when moving between computers? (mod downloads notwithstanding)


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For saves, copy everything under \Users\<myname>\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves.

Each profile save directory will have a unique ID like H1uCbfHZ5. Get them all.

Profiles are all in C:\Users\<myname>\AppData\Roaming\Vortex.

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