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Adding Categories to a Game on Nexus?


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I was wondering. How dose one go about requesting new categories for mods for a game?

I make mods for the game Derail Valley and the mods have kind of beenexploding recently and with only like 6 categories one being a very a broad category. And it's basically causing all the mods to be damped into 1 spot making it hard to search. Because that one category has almost 300 mods and the next largest categories are 47 entry's then 12 entry's. So it just feels like there are no categories at all. And it feels like if a car falls off of the "new this week" section is kind of vanishes into the sea of mods.

Not sure how categories work on nexus but I was thinking something like this would help people find random mods easier.

First thing changing the category of "Modes and textures" to "Reskins & Textures" or just "Reskins"
Then have sub categories for each of the types of cars. Hopper, Gondola, Flatcar, Other Etc.

Then have custom cars and again have the same sub categories of cars

Then Custom locomotives, And sub categories of Steam, Diesel, Electric and maybe a other category.

It will make it a lot easier for users to search for the type of mod they want instead of swimming through a pool of just about every single mod for the game not knowing what they will find or will not find.

Edited by Dylanviey
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Hey Dylanviey,


I'm guessing you missed it, but under your images on the mod page there's a "Tag this mod" section. I've previously set up specific tags for Derail Valley:




This will allow you to filter by car type, which should help with at least some of the issues you mentioned.

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I've been trying to use the tags on my cars. (I think I forgot on the last 2 or 3 I uploaded) But I know most people over on the Derail Valley discord have been wanting new category's to make it easier to browse.

I think the biggest thing people want is to separate re-skins from new custom models.

Edited by Dylanviey
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