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How and Why did you buy Morrowind?


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How about we all give our stories of how and why we Bought Morrowind?


Well, the year was.. uhh.. 2004. One week ago, lol. For the past few days I was bored to death on the computer, and I was looking to buy a new game. So I looked up my ol' Diablo II. I didnt own a copy anymore, so I decided, hell, Ill re-buy the game! So after much careful thought i go down to the local EBgames, trade in my old Vietcong (game got boring after 3 weeks like 5 months ago) so I walk around looking for it. Another game caught my eye. Nope, not Morrowind, but Sacred. But after much hesitation i buy the Diablo II warchest for $46 CDN. So then my father is driving me home, we are having a conversation about the game. Finally, he asks if this is what I really want... I kinda of think about it, and.. I sigh. So, around halfway home, we TURN AROUND back to EB Games. We walk in there, and to my embarresment we return the game 2 minutes after buying it. So now my dad is first in a long lineup, holding my spot. He doesnt want to wait along time. So on the way back I had decided to buy Sacred. I go up to the shelves, look on the back of Sacred. It wasn't that appealing at all. I had this little doubt in the back of mind head, and I always knew to follow that doubt. So then I quickly look at Neverwinter Nights. I didnt like it either. So finally, I find this game, that I know VAGUELY about, called Morrowind GOTY. So finally, out of haste I pick it up, and buy it.


Now let me give you some info about myself. I am a VERY conservative game buyer. I research for like 4 days straight on the game ATLEAST, and I download demos always. The reason is, sadly, I have Gamers ADD. You may think Im kidding, but im not. For some reason, I can only play ONE game genre at a time, like I get TOO excited about ONE game. So if Im playing medieval game, I CANNOT pick up a first person shooter in WWII. its just nto appealing. Also, I switch genres after like.. 1-2 months, so unless Morrowind can cure me, I probably will only be on these forums for the next few months :rip:


So now, flashback <weeeee> Im posting on an RTW forum on how a game developer NEEDS to make a First Person Melee game. I for YEARS have wanted a First Person Melee game, but could never find one. it was my Holy Grail of all games.


So now on the way back, I look on the back. it has an image of an axe in one hand, and then there is like a big bear attacking the screen. I then realize that this game MIGHT be First Person Melee!! I am excited like crazy, i run home and install it. And to my amazement, IT IS haha, it is.


So, I went to buy one game, returned it, went to buy another game, rethought about it, bought some random game and hit the jackpot! unwittingly i bought the game that I have been searching for years.


If thats not Fate, I dont know what is!

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....I was at the mall and...

....I went to babbages..um..and...


I started ripping the shelves apart, picking EVERY SINGLE GAME off of ALL of the shelves FRANTICALLY.....


Then I looked down and saw this game in a little pile of games up front...the last game I saw out of ALL those games... :ranting:


Well, anyway, I looked at it and it said...ELDER SCROLLS!!..so I bought it because I really loved daggerfall*and still do*

So, yeah, I got the game that way....


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I had heard about MW - advertisements, etc.... All the screens made me hate the game - a first person melee game? Not appealing.


In a couple of weeks, I play it at my friends house. I get hooked. I proceed to play it for hours on end, and, two weeks later, I pick up Morrowind. This was about 2 months after it came out.


I still need the expansions.

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I had rented Morrowind from Blockbuster 'cause I had seen the awards it had won on the back of the cover. Mainly I wanted to see if the game was good enough to win such awards. I had bought the GOTY edition, the one i didn't rent, after playing the original one, the one i did rent, and found morrowind to be one of the best games I have ever played.
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I'd just bought a new computer off the peg (not technical enough to build my own I'm afraid) and wanted to try a new game that might show it's advantages - large PC screen and powerful processer. For a couple of years I'd been limited by the power of the old PC and couldn't play any of the games being issued. So I was rather behind the times. Tribunal was on the shelves of recently issued popular games and being offered two for one with MW. I had been a great Ultima fan until they went Multiplayer and I was not then on the net. (And somehow multiplayer doesn't yet rock my boat.) MW was single player RPG so I bought the package.


I still play but only to try out new mods, waiting for Oblivion (or oblivion if that comes first).

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I read the review on PC Gamer quite a while ago, and thought "hey this looks cool". I also talked about it with an old friend of mine, and he said he would do anything to get it as soon as it came out. Well, turns out he didn't. I don't exactly remember when, but one day, I think it was september 2002, I went to a LAN party. I needed a quick transfer of the Battlefield 1942 demo that was on the computer of a guy, and while I looked I saw a folder called "Morrowind". I asked to try it out. It was simply... amazing.

Approximately 6 months after that, it was my birthday. I pestered my friends/family all the time in between if they could buy me a copy as a gift, and thankfully they gave it to me :) . A few months after that, Tribunal followed. I'm still waiting to get my own original Bloodmoon, but since I don't play PC games anymore, I think that will take a while.

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I saw the guys on Judgment Day on G4 review Morrowind, and it looked so freaking cool. I kept the name in my mind, for I had never heard of anything from the Elder Scrolls series. I was browsing some video game store and I saw the game, and immediately bought it. I fell in love.
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