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Lockpick Interface CTD


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Pretty much what the title suggests. Every time I go to lock-pick an object it brings up the normal lock-picking screen, but approximately a second later the whole game will stop responding and crash to desktop. I've included my mod load order below as an attachment, but for the life of me I can't figure out what is affecting or changing the lock-pick process.


This seems to be the only thing wrong with my game right now. I don't normally resort to the forums unless I've looked everywhere for an answer, so any aid would really be appreciated.

Edited by MacVega
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Something is not right since you start with the same entry twice..

The bounties I & II are not compatible with NVEC. Someguy said they are "absolutely not compatible" for now.
XRE cars is known to be very buggy.
Also you are at 134 entries in your load order, this is the range where FNV starts to freak out for most people.
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