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Navmeshing animated objects?

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Is the drawbridge scripted? if so, perhaps you could use a dummy, invisible bridge, which would be nav meshed, then enable/disable it depending on the state of the actual bridge. Seems to me I did that with a set of retractable stairs or something similar, in one of my many test builds.

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Can you navmesh animated objects? I am trying to implement my animated drawbridge into a mod but the navmesh isnt working quite right. I'd like for the NPC to be able to cross the drawbridge when it is down but not be able to traverse it when it is up. Ideas?

1. you can do it with animated static objects (not activators). They can be looped vanilla specialidle sequence, or work without sequences with flags looped in nifscop. On them, navmesh is done in ck as well on any other objects 2. I read that official plugins have a function for creating navmesh, but there is no description for this function. You have to search blindly, in the official 3d max plugins. Edited by South8028
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Can you navmesh animated objects? I am trying to implement my animated drawbridge into a mod but the navmesh isn’t working quite right. I'd like for the NPC to be able to cross the drawbridge when it is down but not be able to traverse it when it is up. Ideas?

i would place a collision plane in the up position so they cant fall off :tongue:


Btw are we talking about that draw bridge from the modders resources ?


Im going to use it in my next location or edit my old sanctuary mod that has a similar bridge but not animated...


Does it work with a simple switch and parent links ?

Edited by greekrage
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Yes, it is the draw bridge from the modders resources. It should work with a switch or a terminal. I am implementing it as an activator accessible via terminal in my current mod. It is essentially animated like a door with open and close cycles.

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