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Kill La Kill armor.


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Nice one!


If you're willing to go all the way then I'm totally interested. Wish I could help but my skills don't really lend themselves to this kind of work. However, if you need advice, tutorials or a beta tester then I'll be happy to help.

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Thanks for the feedback! : ) I'd be happy to keep going as long as people are interested! I will post more pics here later as I progress. Eventually I'll make my own thread when I feel I have enough content to show off.


Also yes, tutorials would be nice to have. I learn as I go, so I am always looking. Atm I'm currently weighting Junketsu to the bones, but I seem to be having issues with the arms/shoulders. Some sort of 3ds max skyrim guide that shows this area would be appreciated, it would help to see someone else do it.

Edited by codename36
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Thanks for the feedback! : ) I'd be happy to keep going as long as people are interested! I will post more pics here later as I progress. Eventually I'll make my own thread when I feel I have enough content to show off.


Also yes, tutorials would be nice to have. I learn as I go, so I am always looking. Atm I'm currently weighting Junketsu to the bones, but I seem to be having issues with the arms/shoulders. Some sort of 3ds max skyrim guide that shows this area would be appreciated, it would help to see someone else do it.

Keep it up :) i can't wait t see more.

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Thanks for the feedback! : ) I'd be happy to keep going as long as people are interested! I will post more pics here later as I progress. Eventually I'll make my own thread when I feel I have enough content to show off.


Also yes, tutorials would be nice to have. I learn as I go, so I am always looking. Atm I'm currently weighting Junketsu to the bones, but I seem to be having issues with the arms/shoulders. Some sort of 3ds max skyrim guide that shows this area would be appreciated, it would help to see someone else do it.

When I get a free moment I'll see what I can dig up.


Ok found something that might help. If not, don't worry I'll continue searching.

Also this might help, don't know though.


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Thanks! This definitely helps. If you are able to, anything focusing on the arms would be greatly appreciated. If that is fine with you, heh. : ) Meanwhile, I'll keep doing my thing.


Also when I'm done, I'll be doing Bakuzan next. As well as the duel wielding versions!

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Thanks! This definitely helps. If you are able to, anything focusing on the arms would be greatly appreciated. If that is fine with you, heh. : ) Meanwhile, I'll keep doing my thing.


Also when I'm done, I'll be doing Bakuzan next. As well as the duel wielding versions!

I have not been able to dig up much that is useful. Unfortunately, I have a number of time constraints at the moment, so my ability to search is impeded. I will keep on the lookout though. If you need anything else let me know and I will do what I can. :smile:

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