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Orc Berserker Battleaxe, i need help, blender screen included


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hey guys :blush:


i dont know why i couldnt post before, i write this the third time now. so, in short, my orc misses a standalone battleaxe worthy to be wielded by a beserker. i like the orcish gear, the greatsword rules, but the battleaxe? jeeeez :down:


so here is what i spent the last week to design (well, okay, i stole from ingame-ressources, but i spent lots of hours thinking about what to steal and how to use it :laugh: ), yesterday and today to make, and first, im not the most skilled on the computer (and for that i got far i think), second im stuck and got no ducking clue how to continue :confused:


picture as appetizer first:






as you can see here, i tried to keep it simple. not to complicated, thats not how orcs are, simple, and with some nice little brutal details (daggerblades on top).


in short, i took the orcish battle axe and cut of the blade. the axe is excellent in length, not too long like much other stuff ive seen in game / mods. second, i replaced the ducking ugly blade with the one from the orcish waraxe (which is awesome :laugh: ), and scaled it up to fit. third, as a brutal little detail, i cut the blades off from the orcish dagger, scaled it down, and placed three of them at the point where the handle / shaft meets the blade, well, the middle of the stick. of the three daggers, the one in the middle is a little bit bigger than the other two.


i managed to make some tutorial stuff with the ck (volpar sword), managed to implement a forging and upgrading recipe before i started to spend like the weekend with 3dsmax, foarchive, blender and i dont know what else... im at the end / limit of my skills i think :ermm:


problems i couldnt handle were: by cutting of the blade from the battleaxe, i created holes that were to big to be filled by the new blade, i tried for hours, and couldnt close them. the next thing, the top metal piece of the battleaxe was very big, and i failed in making the waraxe blade thicker (could just scale it up as a whole) and i failed in making the big block of metal a little more narrow towards the blade... maybe for some folks out there this is a job for like half an hour or so, but i wasted so many hours already with just getting this far that im kinda down atm :sad: i guess you know what i mean with the blade, so that viewed from above it looks like some kind of "V", not like a block with a stick hanging out of.


all i want is an awesome orc battleaxe that strikes fear in your foes :confused: simple, but nasty, no 2.50 meter long axe with a blade that would weigh half a ton, no god stuff, unenchanted, and not op, no chainsaw blades and nothing to detailed. with the green orichalcum textures if possible a little bit greener than the original ones. textures from the shaft were great as they were. oh, and one point more of base-damage than the original battleaxe for its brutal awesomeness :blush:


is there anyone out there that can help me please?



either way, have a nice game guys :blush: ... yours truly, Ragna-Rok the Orc, aka the dude regretting to have claimed the name "chicky540" here :laugh:



ps: i tried to upload the blender file here, its too big... i got no clue how to upload files elsewhere in the net, i could mail it to a friendly helper... on the other hand im sure a skilled guy would take only a small amount of time for that, im a complete noob as nooby as a noob can be when it comes to modding.


pps: i wasnt sure if the blade of the waraxe was under- or overscaled, i hoped to see that in-game, but i cant even paint it in plain black to see it there... i wanted something from what i could believe that some 1.90 meter 120 kilo viking-dude could have wielded...

Edited by chicky540
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