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Items won't delete with script.


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I'm having some trouble deleting items with a terminal script.


I have all the items marked as a 'persistent reference' and the script is correctly running in the game. But once the script runs, the items are not deleted.


For example:

I have renamed a pile of paper, 1paper01 and marked it a persistent reference. then in the script, i have



then, the script removes a certain amount of money from the player and the script ends.


but the problem is, once the script takes the money and ends, the items (1paper01) are still there.


what am I doing wrong???

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Never use numbers at the beginning of a reference editor ID.


Why not? 99% of the tutorials I have read recommend doing this so you can more easily locate your stuff.


I am not disagreeing with you, I want to learn why you recommend against it.

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Because that is the actual reason OP is having trouble. Reference editor ID's beginning with numbers do not work, I can tell you that from experience. I think it has something to do with the GECK or the game interpreting them as form ID's (which are always numbers) instead of editor ID's (the name you see in the GECK).


I think tutorials usually recommend using letters, not numbers, in the beginning of your names. I never understood why they recommend that by the way, it is really easy to locate your stuff without doing it. Just sort the list by form ID and the newest entries will appear on top.


In any case, it is perfectly fine to use letters in the beginning, like "aa*****".

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Strange since most internal ref id seem to begin with numbers.

For example the page below lists the ref IDs for around 440 named NPCs all (or maybe nearly all) have a number as their first element of their ref ID



I've been watching & reading quite a few tutorials lately trying to come to a better understanding of the GECK as I want to create some custom NPCs and other small bits. Most of the ones I can recall suggested 000 (zero zero zero) and in some cases a number 1. As luck would have it I opted to not follow that naming convention and use my initials (BL) instead so I can more clearly identify my stuff.


Thanks for the reply, good to know it is problematic and not just someone else's naming convention.


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Strange since most internal ref id seem to begin with numbers.

For example the page below lists the ref IDs for around 440 named NPCs all (or maybe nearly all) have a number as their first element of their ref ID


Well... the whole ID thing can be a bit confusing.


Both references and base forms has their own unique form ID. What you're seeing in that list are reference form ID's, not editor ID's. This is because the editor ID's are not really useful unless you're using the GECK, which most people aren't, so the Fallout Wiki doesn't provide it.


Editor ID's are the name by which objects appear in the object window in the GECK, and are only used in the GECK. They are saved with your plugin, obviously, but the game has no use for them if I understand things correctly. This is why you cannot type "player.additem apple 1" in the console, because the game doesn't know what "apple" means. You have to use the form ID associated with the apple form.


If you double click a reference in the GECK, you will see that the reference form ID is labeled right next to the field where you can type your reference editor ID. They look a lot like regular form ID's


Form ID's are always numbers and are assigned automatically by the GECK. They can't be changed unless you use an external tool.

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