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Companion Mods


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I am trying my hand at making some companion mods. I can do so quite well on my own machine, but I have many mods loaded and running together just fine. I am interested, though, in how I would make these more efficient if I decided to share them. Most particularly, if I were to use a non-Vanilla hair or eyes, how might I include it properly in the .esp or folders so users would not have to download other, potentially large cosmetic mods just to get one hair style?


Many thanks for any and all help!

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If your looking a way to share files 'mod-user friendly'

Perhaps this site : Official Mods Faq

Large one, but contains some useful information, much not relevant for this though.


or this site: BSA packing

I use these 2 for managing files most of the time.

Instead of letting mod-users placing a lot of files and folders, just one .bsa file needs to be added.


If those none-vanilla changes are yours, I would be definitely useful. But I can't make that up from your message clearly.

If their not yours, most modders tend to release them without the other mod, just placing a reference with a requirement of the other mod

You also could ask the creator(s). Most of the time it's alright if you include their mod in yours.


Hope you can use these sites, gave me most of the information I needed in the past.

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