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Fast Travel


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Is there a really good way to travel around quickly without flying? Specifically I'm thinking about the ring from the end of tribunal but that could go to all the major cities...then you've got the index and you'd be good. I'd love to play the game through again, but the massive amount of travel involved pretty much turns me off to that idea.


If there isn't one how hard would it be to make one? I know I've looked at it before but didn't spend much time on it. I'm not real great with the editor and didn't feel like poking around too much.




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There are lots of ready-made fast travel mods out there. Some are complex enough to allow you to zap to any of several dozen different towns and villages in Vvardenfell. I have only used these two though.


Master Index Mod from Bethesda - This lets you trade all of the propylon indexes in for a master index. Then you can travel from the central hub in the Caldera Mages Guild directly to (or from) any of the propylon chambers.


Caldera Teleportation Spell by K. Loerke - This gives you a custom "Teleport to Caldera" spell which transports you to the Caldera Mages Guild from anywhere.


The Guild Guide in Caldera links you to all of the Mages Guilds and indirectly to the silt strider and boat networks.


Combine these with one of the mods that give you a house in Caldera, and you're all set.

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There are lots of mods about. One I have used is VTA travel. I use it because you can transport any number of companions with you. You have 17 cities/towns, the three stronghold, the four Ashlander camps, four sites on Solstheim and four places in Mournhold to choose from. And you can use the service from anywhere even mods. VTA travel mod is probably available at Morrowind Summit.
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