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The witcher: rise of the white wolf


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I've never played any of the Witcher games on p.c but I heard its coming to console with a new game. Its being built ground up for console and some of the pictures look quite good. Has anyone played the p.c version, was it good?, do you think it'll work on console?


What does everyone think?

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First of all, the PC version. The PC version is a very, very good game (the Enhanced Edition, at least), which could be compared to Oblivion in terms of overall quality. The Witcher is a much darker, more adult game than Oblivion, to say the least. I especially like the moral system, in which there is no clearly defined "right or wrong". The Witcher is also more linear than Oblivion.

The ports seem to look very good, on the graphical side (unless those screenshots have been artificially enhanced), certainly better than the PC version. The PC version was a system hog, though, so they've probably sacrificed some graphical elements.

There aren't any gameplay pieces, so I can't comment on those, although the ports will probably put higher emphasis on the OTS perspective, rather than on the isometric perspectives. In that sense it's probably safe to say the ports will be dumbed down.

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Ah....you think it'll be "dumbed down" for console. From what I've heard its being made from the ground up, it could have a few differences to its p.c counterpart.


Yes I've heard of the morality choices, no black or white just shades of grey, it sounds really good.

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Ah....you think it'll be "dumbed down" for console. From what I've heard its being made from the ground up, so it could have a few differences to its p.c counterpart.


No, not entirely dumbed down. Just the perspectives. It also seems that it will have a new interface, combat system (perhaps no more/less clicking), and it's even been built from scratch for an entirely new engine, called the DaVinci engine. I must say, I would be disappointed if they didn't give PC gamers a chance to experience the new visuals (although the entirely new engine greatly lessens the possibility of that), since I am primarily a PC gamer. I would hate to be left with an inferior-looking game on the PC.

If it makes substantial changes to the original, I would consider purchasing it.

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I think they're keeping the story-line of the original, I have absolutely no idea about the rest of the content though.


They are.


After giving the matter some thought, I've decided I'm not too pleased that they've decided to port The Witcher over to consoles. The Witcher wasn't designed with casual appeal in mind, and one of the reasons why consoles are so popular is because they appeal to casual gamers and people. So naturally, I'm wary that a console port is being made, in that it might just be for the purpose of making more profit. What I've seen/heard so far seems to refute that somewhat, but we'll see, when it's released.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think they're keeping the story-line of the original, I have absolutely no idea about the rest of the content though.


They are.


After giving the matter some thought, I've decided I'm not too pleased that they've decided to port The Witcher over to consoles. The Witcher wasn't designed with casual appeal in mind, and one of the reasons why consoles are so popular is because they appeal to casual gamers and people. So naturally, I'm wary that a console port is being made, in that it might just be for the purpose of making more profit. What I've seen/heard so far seems to refute that somewhat, but we'll see, when it's released.

From what I've read about the console game is it's a port but it's being rebuilt to better optimize the consoles handle on the game. I believe they are also adding new content to it such as a prologue. I'm pretty sure they plan on adding Geralts fight with the Striga as the opening to the game.


It's not The Witcher 2.0 more like The Witcher 1.5. That said despite being a port I loved the PC version so I'd like to see how the console version fares. I'm not specifically a PC or a console gamer just a gamer and if a game's made well it doesn't matter what platform it's on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think it's going to be awesome. I haven't played the PC version, but it looks great too. I hope they don't censor it for the console audience even more than they did for the PC audience here in the U.S.
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