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Main quest ends with Dragon Rising


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Many find the original intro/tutorial of Skyrim to be overdrawn and tedious, especially those who create multiple characters. Even worse the way role-playing is almost stripped away, as the player is forced into being a legendary hero with no option of writing their own story.


Mods like Live Another Life help with this, giving the player new starting areas and alternate backstories. However, I find it incredibly immersion-breaking to have dialogue options about witnessing the attack on Helgen and being already introduced to Tullius and Ulfric. On top of that, there are a few questlines which cannot be continued or started until Dragon Rising is complete, such as In My Time of Need and the civil war.


What I'm looking for is a mod that allows the standard opening with the execution scene and dragon attack, but ends the questline after becoming thane of Whiterun. Not only does this provide a relatively decent starting experience and introduction to the game world, but it allows further interaction with characters that doesn't sound out of place, and unlocks the quests that couldn't be done before.


I've done some messing around with CK but am terrible at scripts and don't know all that would have to edited. The changes that would need to be made are:

  • No learning from word walls or chants indicating their presence
  • No dragon souls absorption, in particular no "investigation" of the dragon corpse after the western watchtower battle needed to report to the Jarl afterward
  • No summons from the Greybeards upon returning to Whiterun
  • Balgruuf honors you with a title but does not encourage you to visit the Greybeards nor does he refer to you as a Dragonborn
  • No guard comments about the return of the Dragonborn

Is such a thing possible, and would anyone be willing to take this on?

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