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I hadn't thought about just checking the inventory to see how many are there. Sooooo.....I could just make 10 unique mushrooms and when the counter sees those I could set it have a journal update thingie (my form of tech talk) and never have to use the campaign item acquired event right? As for the camp link its still not working for me. I think it may be because im trying to access it with my cell. I reckon its time to load up the ol' laptop and make use of mcdonald's free wifi. Lol thank you so much for the help!
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I'd still make them plot items so that the GW doesn't inadvertently sell some of them. I believe there is a way to remove plot items from inventory if you wanted to make it repeatable (i.e. get 10 MORE mushrooms, don't get second reward for same 10 :laugh: )


You'll have to say what the problem you are having with the Camp is. And whether you are creating a mod that is part of the original campaign or a standalone. If it is a standalone, I know nothing about creating a Camp.


I wouldn't begin to know the best forum to ask for voice actors I did all of my female Companion voices (see link at end) thinking that volunteers would RUN to replace me rather than listen to my so-called 'voice acting ability' :laugh: No volunteers so far. Testers that really focus on testing, are hard to find and quality varies. I have a couple of 'good ones', but I don't know what you mod is so I don't if they would be interested.


And yes, you are going to have to take your laptop to the nearest wifi. The wikis through a cellphone is just an exercise in futility and frustration



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