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Modding weapons


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Hi. I'm new to modding and I have been enjoying modding elden ring and using mods here. I am just curious and have 2 newbie questions:

1. For weapons that has passive elemental build ups (Ex: Rivers of Blood with Blood loss build up of 66), is it possible to increase their effects? Like for example, increase the blood loss build up of rivers of blood. If its possible, can you tell me where to edit it please?

2. Is it possible or has someone made a mod that combines 2 or all elemental attacks in one item? For example, using one grease buffs your weapon with frost, bleed, poison and rot build up at the same time? If possible, do you have any idea how they did it?

Thank you!

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Hi. I'm new to modding and I have been enjoying modding elden ring and using mods here. I am just curious and have 2 newbie questions:
1. For weapons that has passive elemental build ups (Ex: Rivers of Blood with Blood loss build up of 66), is it possible to increase their effects? Like for example, increase the blood loss build up of rivers of blood. If its possible, can you tell me where to edit it please?
2. Is it possible or has someone made a mod that combines 2 or all elemental attacks in one item? For example, using one grease buffs your weapon with frost, bleed, poison and rot build up at the same time? If possible, do you have any idea how they did it?
Thank you!


I don't know about editing the ash of war's effects, but if you go to "equipParamWeapon" and search rivers of blood, you should be able to edit the weapons various damage types there and increase the blood loss. For some reason my yapped runebear names the categories differently from everyone else and I haven't been able to fix it yet, so not sure which category is blood damage.

EDIT: It seems like each type of damage is listed separately, so you could give this weapon damage of each type. But it might cause enemies to die in a single hit because all the values are separate damage calculations. I.E. lightning 20, blood 20, and fire 20 will cause 60 damage from a single swing. It might not even proc any of the effects before the enemy dies.


In addition there should be a way to set it so Rivers of Blood can have greases and spell buffs applied to it. That should allow at least one additional element, although certain weapons don't play nice when new elements are added. To my knowledge, there isn't an easy way to have a weapon with all elements and I wouldn't know how.


However, you can then go to "spEffectParam" and edit the grease you are applying. Set duration to -1 for infinite duration until you change weapons or location. You can increase build up from the grease there. And if you set, for example, "Blood grease right attack" to have a -1 duration, sometimes once the enemy hemorrages, it will just keep happening until the enemy dies, making it way too OP.

Edited by WakahisaSensei
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you can add all elements to a single weapon, just use yapped and create an new speffect that inflicts those, then in the EquipParamWeapon put the speffect in the behavior, in the speffect change the lines of the respective status like "Aux Inflict +: Scarlet Rot" to for example 200, and then you'll get a instant 200 scarlet rot buildup.

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