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Fallout 3 wont start


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i've installed FO3 and it worked fine in the begining. the i wannted to add som modes into the game and somewhere along the way i was asked toll install FOSE.
even that worked fine untill i hade to install the latest god damned patck 1.7. after that everything just went to baghdad, have not been able to start the game even once ever since.
can someone please help me????

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Are you using FOMM or NMM ?

What happens when you launch the game, does it simply not launch or does it crash instantly ?

Have you tried uninstalling everything including Patch 1.7 ?

Have you tried launching the game with game's own launcher ?


A bit more info then perhaps myself or someone here better clued up might be able to assist.

Edited by Nintii
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Hi! i just hade to uninstall Fallout 3 & reinstall it again and this time i diden install the 1.7 patch.

i installed the unoficial F3 patch instead. its clear to me now that i pretty much have to install FOSE to get the different mods to work.
now to anser Nintiis qs:

Are you using FOMM or NMM ?
answer: none of them actually, i install mods "manually" (maybe thats the Issue??)

What happens when you launch the game, does it simply not launch or does it crash instantly ?

answer: everythings works normal as long as Patch 1.7 is not installed.
when i try to launch via the Fose app, this message pops up: "you have the original retal bla bla, patch to the latest...


Have you tried uninstalling everything including Patch 1.7 ?

answer: Yes, same problem as long as i ignore the latest patch.


Have you tried launching the game with game's own launcher?
answer: yes, thas the only way i know except FOSE lancher.
the annoying thing is that i every singel time have to go in to the "Datafiles" and mark every damned mod that i want to have in the game, every time before i start to play, unlike Fallout NV.. i did that just once and the mods remained marked after the first time.

i'm definitely missing something!

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1.Ok you need to get FOMM (fallout mod manager) and install your mods with that so you can manage your load order

2. you need to grab BOSS (better oblivion sorting software) this will sort our load order

3. the 1,7 patch needs to be installed for the game to work properly

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thank you guy for your help!
i dont understand what "manage load order" means to be honest. is that something FOMM dose automatically?

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