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Who does your character worship?


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Character: Elynne

Weapon: Daedric Claymore

Armor: Glass Helmet

Glass Cuirass

Glass Gauntlets

Glass Greeves

Lucky Boots (Glass Boots with fortify luck 10)

Jewelry: (Wear different jewelry according to situation.)

Amulet of Waterbreathing

Amulet of Spell Absorption 20

Ring of Nighteye

Ring of Shield 18

Ring of Frost Shield 10

Ring of the Gods (Vista stinks)

Class: Barbarian (I avoid cities, shops, and NPCs.)

Birthsign: The Atronach (I am a cripple. I spend a great deal of time gathering ingredients and making restore health potions and restore magicka potions so I can cast healing on myself.)

Race: Wood Elf

Religion: I worship the Nine Divines, but I am a bit disenchanted. They seem rather weak. I wonder if they are just wannabe gods like Vivec. They seem to be unable to do anything about the Oblivion crisis. When I go to the chapel, often they only heal half my ailments. I go to a wayshrine and get rejected because I am not famous enough. It also seems questionable that Tiber Septim was turned into a god. A being either is or is not a god. A learned counsel of old men can't just vote and decide to turn someone into a god. I am a barbarian and live out in the wilderness, so I don't go to church much. Since I often don't get help when I go there, I remain ready to mix restore attribute potions to help myself.

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Character: Daeron

Home: Drow Fortress by Kielanai (off coooourse!)

Weapon / Shield: Glutschwinge / Glutschwinge (Sacred's darkelf style weapons)


- Head: Nothing

- Upper: Tona simple Dress for Robert's (red)

- Lower: Leather tight pants black by Slof

- Hands: Tona Simple Dress gloves (red)

- Feet: Laced Leather Boots brown by Slof

- Tail: Nothing

- Amulet: The Witcher's Amulet

Jewelry: Ring of Infravision (perm) at night or in darker regions, Ring of waterbreathing, Ring of clearing memory (basically this is just to empty the graphics memory from time to time in order for the game to run smoother ^^)

Class: Ranger

Birthsign: The guardian

Race: Drow

Religion: Mielikki / Eilistraee

Picture: *points at signature*

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Name of you character: DragonHeart


Weapon or Weapons of your character: Akatosh-style longsword


Head Slot: None


Upper Body Slot: Royal Dragonplate


Hand Slot: [same as upper body]


Lower Body Slot: [same as upper body]


Back Slot (Cape): Dragon Wings


Feet Slot: [same as upper body]


Amulet Slot: none yet


Class: Dragon Knight (custom)


Birthsign: The Thief (but im not sure)


Race: Half dragon,Half Argonian


The person they worship: Akatosh


And here's a lil' pic of him: [click here]

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Name of you character: Iron Jacket


Weapon or Weapons of your character: Daedric Claymore


Head Slot:Pony tail


Upper Body Slot:


Hand Slot:NONE


Lower Body Slot:Huntmans leggings

Back Slot NONE


Feet Slot:NONE


Amulet Slot: Bronze Necklace


Class:Dog Soldier






The person they worship: Coatlicue

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Name of you character: Kaiyen


Weapon or Weapons of your character: Nightbringer - War Axe I custom made :D Its nothing crazy. 36 damage :D


Head Slot: Black Hand Hood


Upper Body Slot: Daedric Cuirass Of The Unstobbable - Gives Endurance a 15 bonus


Hand Slot: Daedric Wrist Blades of the Brawler - Gives Hand to Hand a 20 bonus


Lower Body Slot: Daedric Greaves


Back Slot (Cape): Cape ?! Where'd you get those? If arrows count I have Daedric equipped.


Feet Slot: Daedric Boots of the Stallion - Gives speed a 10 bonus


Amulet Slot: Cruelty's Heart


Class: Barbarian


Birthsign: The Theif - Wierd I know, but they worked well together to create the kind of character I wanted.


Race: ORC


The person they worship: Sithis - Evil through and through

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Name of you character: Zemphurious


Weapon or Weapons of your character: Dagons Razor and Incinerating Long Bow


Head Slot: none - I like my hair


Upper Body Slot: Namiras Embrace Armour


Hand Slot: Namiras Embrace Armour


Lower Body Slot: Namiras Embrace Armour


Back Slot (Cape): Namiras Embrace Armour


Feet Slot: Namiras Embrace Armour


Amulet Slot: Amulet of Kings


Class: Custom Battlemage


Birthsign: The Mage


Race: Night Elf


The person they worship: Azura

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Soz for not following format.


I havent played Oblivion for ages. but my best charactor was:


One of those lizard dudes, he wore all the bound armour(yes I cheated to make them permanent) cos I liked how they look. Used Bound sword(again cheated) enchanted with soul capture. His name was Belial(which means 'One with no master'). And funnily enough he worshiped noone!


Btw, did you ask for these stats out of couriosity, or are you trying to make the ULTIMATE charactor?

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