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No Load times


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I emailed Bethesda about this idea and they are considering it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The email is posted here:


From: Matt Grandstaff ([email protected]) on behalf of Press2005 ([email protected])

Sent: Tue 4/14/09 1:46 PM

To: '[email protected]' ([email protected])Alec


Sounds like it could be a cool idea for a mod. Thanks for the letter.




-----Original Message-----

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 7:19 AM

To: Press2005

Subject: general


Name: Alec

Email: [email protected]


Subject: Fallout 3

Message: I have an idea for fallout 3 and was wondering if you guys could do it. i talked to a lot of people on Fallout3nexus.com about my mod idea; everyone approved that it would be good but not possible by them(I cant mod). heres where you guys come in, my idea is one huge open world where lets say you go to Megaton. you go up to the gate, open it, and it loads. with my idea you open the gate no load times theres the city with Lucas Simmons ready to greet you. then you want to go to crater side supply; just open the door and theres Moria.


Please consider this as a add on to fallout 3

Everyone would be very pleased!


another thing to consider: drivable vehicles!






like in Oblivion the mod that makes the castle main doors part of the world just open and walk in no load times


i cant mod but an experienced moder might want to consider this

no load times accept for where you load the game

so lets say your in megaton and your going to crater side supply; just open the door and there it is no loading


Someone please consider this mod this would be awesome if done right!

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If i remember right, the no load times only worked for cities. As cities where technically the same worldspace.


This would work with, say, megaton and paradise falls. But pretty much everything else in the capital wasteland would be isolated from this effect.

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If i remember right, the no load times only worked for cities. As cities where technically the same worldspace.


This would work with, say, megaton and paradise falls. But pretty much everything else in the capital wasteland would be isolated from this effect.


True, but you might be able accomplish this with FOSE or another script extender.

thanks for the comment

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I doubt it has anything to do with obse, the script extender is mighty, but not that mighty.

If i recall correctly, the original mod involved physically moving the cities into the wilderness worldspace.


However, you cannot do this with interior cells, and fallout's non-wilderness areas are mainly interiors (except 2-3 of the towns). I'm just wondering the overall utility of doing this if it would only affect megaton and paradise falls (rivet city, lil lamplight, tempenny and underworld are interiors, arefu and bigtown and the canibal's town have no barriers).

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The game engine is very unfriendly with this. Interiors are treated absolutely different from exterior cells, and if you were to put all the interiors in exterior cells, while you'd be able to eventually, -- by modding the architecture, changing all affected NPC behaviors, editing the navmeshes, etc -- the performance hit would be so huge that it wouldn't make it worth all the effort.


This engine lacks very much of optimization. And your pc is happy while you are in interiors. Why would you like to take that out?

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I agree with necKros, even if you could manage the huge overhaul that would be needed to pull something like this off, your computer would implode...
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I agree with necKros, even if you could manage the huge overhaul that would be needed to pull something like this off, your computer would implode...


i see what you mean but how did they make that mod in oblivion then. cant someone make Megaton or Paradise Falls "open"?


also can someone please comment on my other idea to its on the first page of fallout 3 mod request as well

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In oblivion, the cities where already part of the outside worldspace. It was just a matter of moving the cell and opening the gate.

It could be possible to do in fallout for paradise falls and megaton. Still, it would be a little pointless, There's hardly much to do in the towns and their close surroundings, neither of the two is multi-area like the capital in oblivion, and you rarely arrive by anything other than quicktravel (for which, it doesn't matter, since you'll always see a load screen).

I'd say, too much work for no tangible benefit.

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