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If you're interested in learning how to script, you might want to take a look at the beginner's scripting tutorial that I've written. You can find the link in my signature.


In Fallout 3, messages are displayed via use of the ShowMessage function. In order to make a message display when the player enters a specific worldspace, you'll want to set up a quest script (which is basically a script that runs in the background) in order to detect this. To set up a quest script, you'll need to make a quest to attach it to. Depending on how you want the quest to work, you might want to set it as "start game enabled", and you'll probably want to give it a script processing delay of about 1.


The script itself will be pretty simple. You'll want to use a GameMode block to check which worldspace the player is in via GetInWorldspace, and call ShowMessage and (optionally) StopQuest once the player enters your worldspace. Something like this would show the message once when the player enters the worldspace:

Begin GameMode

if player.GetInWorldspace <MyWorldspace>
	ShowMessage <MyMessage>
	StopQuest <MyQuest>


If you want the message to display every time the player enters that worldspace, you might try using something like this:

int bInWorldspace

Begin GameMode

if bInWorldspace != player.GetInWorldspace <MyWorldspace>
	set bInWorldspace to bInWorldspace == 0
	if bInWorldspace
		ShowMessage <MyMessage>



Thanks a ton, I'll check out the tutorial later too :) .

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Probably been asked before, can't find with search: Textures, don't work. The custom textures. I can't seem to be able to install them into the Textures BSA folder, if I should do that, and just putting them in the meshes/textures folder, seems to have no effect whatsoever. Why?
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You need to change a small thing in you Fallout.ini file located C:\Users\YourUserNameHere\Documents\My Games\Fallout3

Open it up in Notepad or similar and edit the line from




Save and close. Start your game and custom textures should work. They are placed in the folder called Textures in your data folder. Not in the .bsa

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Ok so I am lost as to this. I have a story mod I am working on in which the player gets moved around in beds. I use this script to move them:

scn THDWtrigthirdsleepSCRIPT

ref target
short DoThis
short doOnce
short Button

Begin onTriggerEnter Player
showmessage THDWthirdsleeptxt
RemoveNote THDWholotape4
RemoveNote THDWholotape5
set DoThis to 2 

Begin GameMode

if DoThis >0
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if Button == 0
	player.moveto THDWAfterThirdSleep 
	set DoThis to 0
	addnote THDWwaterconsolekey

The player gets moved fine but something odd happens with the camera. When they get up in first person view the camera is stuck at their ankle level, the player is not actually draw but you get to move around as if the player's head is on his butt. The player cannot look up past the level point but even though the view point is level any objects the player trys to use must be on the floor. When you switch to third person view the view point changes but you still cannot look "up". Would the remove player controls do any good? I am worried all that would do is trap the player in the bed since in order to "wake" up the player has to do something. This bug combined stops me from releasing this, then add on the fact that my game has taken to crashing indoors but expectantly inside any mod I make.

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Hello everyone. Does anyone know how to merge files? I've made quite a few morrowind mods, but naturally the geck editor is very different than the tes3ck because they are for modding two different games. I just can't for the life of me find the merge feature.
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Hello everyone. Does anyone know how to merge files? I've made quite a few morrowind mods, but naturally the geck editor is very different than the tes3ck because they are for modding two different games. I just can't for the life of me find the merge feature.

You'll need FO3Edit or FO3Plugin to merge, the GECK doesn't provide merging features.

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I have now "solved" my problem by instead moving the player to a room piece instead of a bed. I would prefer the bed but it appears as if that will not work. If someone does know how to make it work I would like to know. Now I have to get fading in and out working.
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I'm not sure I entirely understand the circumstances in which you were experiencing that issue, but I'm glad to hear that you got it sorted. I would recommend that you do some research on ImageSpace Modifiers for the purpose of fading in and out, but I notice that you've already found the ImageSpace Modifiers page on the GECK Wiki. Good luck with the rest of your project!



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